New 150 Watt HPS Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
bro they are looking very very healthy man. keep up the good job, flowering time should be very interesting. cant wait.....


Active Member
I'm a little over a week into my grow and am using a 150w HPS as well. I'm pretty baked at the moment, and it took me like 20 mins to find the thred I started (prematurely... while I was also high) for it, lol. I'm going to be SCROGing my 3 plants (2 blue hash, 1 ww). I'm using Schultz for my grow as well. excited to compare with yours and Pockets grow :joint:


Nice grow man!! Keep it up! I myself have a little project at the moment as well! I'm vegging under CFLS and plan on getting a 150W to flower. So I'll be looking at your thread to see the results! I'd like to think one 150w is enough to get pretty decent yield off of two girls.


Active Member
When should i start flushing these girls? I know 2 weeks befor harvest, But when the heck should that be?


Hello Bag, and all others using the sunsystem 150 W HPS. Here is a pic of my setup using 2 hps units and 2 - 6 bulb cfl lightbars. Here are a few pics of my Afghan bagseed plants. Today is day 14. all are healthy and if it's ok, will update here.


Great thread.


Active Member
looking great man. Nice colas that will only swell even more in the last couple weeks. Keep it up. Love the 150's for personal head stash :)


Looking good now, what is it, 120 days or so? I know that you said in your first post that these were Indica, what kind? I am on day 22 of my afghan grow and all are looking good. I topped using Uncle Bens 4 cola topping method. pics to follow.
here is one of my healthiest Afghan which I just tied using the LST (low stress training) method. notice the brown threads attached to the opposing cola's.


Active Member
Ding ding ding, This round is finished!

Ill give you guys the dry weight once i get my buds nice and dry, Made 1LB of canabutter, And made a Crap load of Cookies....At two of these ones...Mistake lol So i think the THC content of this grow is way beyond what i expected. Thanks for Tuning in, Ill attach some finished product pictures,

