never sprouts?

how come my plants new sprout i germinate them to where they are growing roots i dont damge the root or anything but my seeds never sprout? :leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
Well, what do you do with them after they've germinated?

Are you growing with soil? What kind of light do they get and how much?


Well-Known Member
Okay. First off, 12/12 is for flowering. You want your seedlings under 24 hours of light, or 18 hours of light and 6 hours of dark. The more light they have, the more they will grow. That being said, I will tell you again that they don't need light until they break the soil.

How deep are you planting them? How big are the pots they're in and how often do you give them water? I tried germinating under lights and the soil kept drying out and killing my seeds. You can put a plastic bag over the pot to help hold in moisture.
i usally get a eraser end of a pencil and poke a hole with it drop it in there and gently cover it up. and for the beginning im using a red plastic cup when they actually get to big for it im going to transplant into a bigger pot


Well-Known Member
i usally get a eraser end of a pencil and poke a hole with it drop it in there and gently cover it up. and for the beginning im using a red plastic cup when they actually get to big for it im going to transplant into a bigger pot

Hmmm... I like mysteries.

what kind of soil are you using? does it have any time release fertilizers in it?

does the soil seem to dry out quickly?

I've found that if you let the seeds germinate in the paper towel for too long, they won't sprout - and if they do they will be seriously stunted and retarded looking. How long are leaving your seeds in the paper towel for?


Well-Known Member
Okay, well, does the soil seem to dry out quickly? How long has it been since you planted the germinated seeds?


Well-Known Member
So you don't actually have any going right now?

I find that if I let the seeds germinate for too long in the paper towel they won't sprout when I put them in the soil.

How long did you let them germinate in the paper towel?


Well-Known Member
Hrm.. Interesting.

Did you put drainage holes in the bottoms of the cups you planted in?

I feel like the IT guy... "Is it plugged in?" LOL

I'm trying, though.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's the only thing I can think of.

I started all my germinated seeds in some potting soil, accidentally dropped two of them so I repotted those with a sphagnum/vermiculite mix with just a little compost in the bottom and just KNEW they were going to die from the fall they took. Surprisingly, those two are growing much more quickly than the ones that were potted in the soil. The soil I had was all chunky and full of sticks and crap, and I actually had to sift it to get all the chunks out before I could use it =x

Anyway, it's most likely the soil because it seems like you've done everything else right. Try a different mix next time, but stay away from Miracle Gro or anything with nutrients/fertilizers already in it. I am really digging the sphag/vermiculite mix I used.
Yeah, that's the only thing I can think of.

I started all my germinated seeds in some potting soil, accidentally dropped two of them so I repotted those with a sphagnum/vermiculite mix with just a little compost in the bottom and just KNEW they were going to die from the fall they took. Surprisingly, those two are growing much more quickly than the ones that were potted in the soil. The soil I had was all chunky and full of sticks and crap, and I actually had to sift it to get all the chunks out before I could use it =x

Anyway, it's most likely the soil because it seems like you've done everything else right. Try a different mix next time, but stay away from Miracle Gro or anything with nutrients/fertilizers already in it. I am really digging the sphag/vermiculite mix I used.

alright thanks how do i get the right soil? and on average how big does a normal size plant get? this is going to be my first actual grow and i dont want a huge monster plant i just want a nice small easy to handle plant does that make sense?


Well-Known Member
alright thanks how do i get the right soil? and on average how big does a normal size plant get? this is going to be my first actual grow and i dont want a huge monster plant i just want a nice small easy to handle plant does that make sense?
Makes perfect sense. If you want to keep your plants relatively small, then the way to do that is to force flowering when the plant is about 12 inches tall. It will either double or triple in size during flowering, so you'll end up with a 2-3ft plant.
Makes perfect sense. If you want to keep your plants relatively small, then the way to do that is to force flowering when the plant is about 12 inches tall. It will either double or triple in size during flowering, so you'll end up with a 2-3ft plant.

ouch... thats alittle to big for my gorw room is there any other way that i can force flower it so it doesnt get so big?? :leaf:


Well-Known Member
You can actually flower them right from the start. There are several threads around here on 12/12 from seed. I believe the plants will stay fairly small (under 2 ft).

I've even seen a guy who grew a "bonsai" cannabis plant. He let it grow for like a year before he actually harvested it. There's a video on Youtube - search for "bonsai cannabis" and look for videos from a guy named Jason0930. Pretty crazy stuff.

You can also prune your plants to keep them smaller, or buy some of those "lowryder" or "lowlife" seeds from one of the seed banks. They stay pretty small.