Neighbours threatening police


Well-Known Member
Do whatever you can to get rid of the stuff. Go to your neighbor and tell them that blackmail is illegal and smelling like pot is not.


Active Member
Heres a very simple one if u have a car, and if you dont mind it reeking of cannibas. get an envelope and put you weed in it then set it in the window. might wanna have you car in the sun. that should dry it kinda fast w/o givin you crapy weed. and it should smoke ok but wont be to "Flame" depending on wut ur growing


Well-Known Member
Pack it up untill you get a safe place to grow! No use trying to make anything more happen here. There going to be watching you and your always going to be wondering about them. Not worth the anx.


Active Member
I would do the same, but then again Im the president of my neighborhood so what the fuck are my neighbors gonna DO? NOTHING because it will rain like a motherfucker and I don't mean water or money..... catch my drift.


Active Member
Where you live? Pay me in Buds....Wow your neighbors disappeared of the map. What buds can get done...hehehehe! Fuck your neighbors. Im glad you got all your yum yums moved.