Neewbie with a problem


hello everybody this is my first post. i recently started to grow even though ive been blazing for the beginning i messed up. i wanted to start to grow right away i didnt do much research wich was my main mistake. its been 5 weeks into my vegg using fox farm nutrients(special thanks to a+hydro in costa mesa ca) i started with clones(special thanks to go n green in santa ana ca) these guys hooke me up with shamen,bubba,master kush..also northern lights,super silver, and purple lavendar. its been 5 weeks and i ran into a financial problem i need to wait 2 more weeks before i get my 4 1000 watts hps and co2. right now i have my babies on some t5 florecents. they started off beautifully. unforntunatly they got spider mites so i decided to spray them with pyrethrum wich i got from my hydro store..this made my plants get spots. im including pics o my tread. i luv this web site it has helped me alot. now im asking for help. i cant get my hps for 2 more weeks and my plants are getting too big.. how can i slow them down..sorry for the grammer. i just have alot of questions and im worried about my babies.:sad: CHECK MY PICS OUT ALL COMMENTS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED. sorry one more thing whats a good watering method i have my babies on 5 gallon with roots organic soil im afraid to over water whats a good amount. notice some leaves curl down or have light green at the ends. o man i have too many questions


Mr Bomb

Active Member
hello everybody this is my first post. i recently started to grow even though ive been blazing for the beginning i messed up. i wanted to start to grow right away i didnt do much research wich was my main mistake. its been 5 weeks into my vegg using fox farm nutrients(special thanks to a+hydro in costa mesa ca) i started with clones(special thanks to go n green in santa ana ca) these guys hooke me up with shamen,bubba,master kush..also northern lights,super silver, and purple lavendar. its been 5 weeks and i ran into a financial problem i need to wait 2 more weeks before i get my 4 1000 watts hps and co2. right now i have my babies on some t5 florecents. they started off beautifully. unforntunatly they got spider mites so i decided to spray them with pyrethrum wich i got from my hydro store..this made my plants get spots. im including pics o my tread. i luv this web site it has helped me alot. now im asking for help. i cant get my hps for 2 more weeks and my plants are getting too big.. how can i slow them down..sorry for the grammer. i just have alot of questions and im worried about my babies.:sad: CHECK MY PICS OUT ALL COMMENTS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED. sorry one more thing whats a good watering method i have my babies on 5 gallon with roots organic soil im afraid to over water whats a good amount. notice some leaves curl down or have light green at the ends. o man i have too many questions
Keep your plants under that light if you have no other choice. Water when the dirt on the top is dry down to about 3 inches.:leaf:


how do i slow them down from growing. how much water is good for them,is it good to use just plain water with no nuts once in a while

strain stalker

New Member
...hey man, look'n at your plants....looks as though you may have an overwatering issue. Your goin to hear several ways to detect when you need to water your plants. Here is a couple ideas:

...the next time you water your plants, water until you get run off water from the bottom of the pot. Catch the run off water, and measure the PH balance of that water. If it's not in the range you'd like, keep adding water that is ph balanced until the run off is in your desired range.

...after you've watered your plants, and the medium is in the idea ph range, you may want to give a feeding w/ fertz then let the plants dry until you notice them to wilt. Take a mental note of how long it took from the day of watering/feeding to the now dry plant.

...the trick is to water them just before they begin to wilt. underwatered plant is way happier then an overwatered plant. This is a concept that is always learned the hard way.

...overwatering is the #1 reason for plant problems among new, I'd suggest to learn the "lift the pot" method above any other suggestions. Moister meters are not too good for your roots. You have to stick them into the medium and this works as a sphere damage'n the root system...also, you have to check the medium in several differnt spots with a moister meter because you may have dryspots or wet spots in your medium.

...the best learn'n method I can give you about watering is, simply keep a bone dry pot to compare the pots in questions. Don't water your plants until they are dry first.
watering with no nutes will stunt the growth,so yes it will work without doing any also looks like you have signs of nute burn so def wont do any harm.i also agree that they look over watered !
Spider mites suck, the only clone I got from a dispensary had spider mites. I nuked the plant, trying to kill the mites...which was successful, but I damn near killed the plant in the process.

Have you completely rid your plants of them?

As far as slowing down your growth....being under floro's will slow down growth as compared to high intensity lighting. You should be finding less than 1" of growth per day.
If you want to slow them down more as far as vertical height you can do one of the following: top the plant or pulp the stem near the top. This will slow down the vertical growth of the main stem for a few days, as it repairs the damage and forms a knot over the area where you weakened the stem. This will also make the other branches start to thicken and grow more too. If you don't like topping plants, or want to keep the main stem for the big cola ...try the second method.


Well-Known Member
first get a 5$ moisture reader from ebay(thats probably shipping included)

second the spots. Never never never never spray any kind of moisture on your leaves while the lights are on. They magnify and burn the leaves, thats what some of that looks like, other parts look like nutrient/chemical burn. Spider mites are a bitch, next time you need to find something organic to kill off the bugs, don't forget man you going to be smoking anything you put on them.

third is the height issue. Get some fishing line and literally tie the top as close to the rim of the pot as you can without breaking the stem, yes it will bend. The top will continue to grow and you'll take a few inches off every time you bend it. leave the loop on the top free enough so that when it grows it doesn't strangle it but grow to fill the hole(knot) this will control the height AND open up more of the plant to the light. you can tie it as many times and in any direction you want, im sure you'll be happy with the results. Just BE CAREFUL after you do it a few times you'll get a feel for just how much you can bend them.


Well-Known Member
A neat trick is ladybugs or asian beetles(ladybug lookalike). They do not feed on plants and will erradicate any kind of insect if you get enough of them in the room. They'll eat and eat and eat. They don't get full and will feed as much as they can.

Also try getting bright yellow plastic bowls(throw aways for picnicing) and smear them wil vasoline and place them under your plants. The light will make it bright and attract the bugs and they'll get stuck in the vasoline and die. This won't clean your room, but it'll put a small dent in the population and has no effects on your plants.


much love to all that of these days we will blaze a blunt. THANKS TO ALL THAT REPLIED I WILL CONTINUE TO POSTPICTURES OF MY BABIE'S AS TIME GOES ON. Hopefully i get my hps soon so u guys can see what 4000 watts can do to my babie's

strain stalker

New Member
second the spots. Never never never never spray any kind of moisture on your leaves while the lights are on. They magnify and burn the leaves, thats what some of that looks like, other parts look like nutrient/chemical burn.

...this is good info! Never foilar spray while the lights are on. I noticed that in your pics also. Good luck!


i watered my plants with regular purified water and woke up today to see my babies happy with a slight increase in size ill b posting pics tomorrow