Neem Oil or EGGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have some leaves that i thought looked like insect bites on them so i bought some Neem Oil and sprayed my plants with it on Weds.
Yesterday, I purshased a microscope to look for BUGS.
Today, i tried to use the microscope but can't tell if i'm looking at the Neem Oil on the leaves or bug eggs.
They look like pics of spidermite eggs i looked up on Internet but can't find any bugs!
Was thinking the little round somethings on the leaves might be the Neem Oil on the leaves too!
If they are eggs, How often should i Neem the plants.
I read somewhere that you should Neem every 3 days-because the eggs hatch every 3 days -don't now if that is a safe thing to do!
Any help is appreciated:smile:


Forgot to mention that most of the somethings on the leaves are on the top side
If these are eggs i'm F- - KED
Looks like thousands of them under 100X mag on each leaf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
white spots on the top side?
probably scars from bites... eggs usually on the underside where the webs are...


Active Member
hmm just thinking outloud here but what type of plants are they? indica or stativa dom?
Ive seen bumps on leaves that are totally natural and not a pest.
If they are a sign of a problem they can be attributed to excess heat.


I also thought that it could have been a light problem so i moved the lights up to see what happens.
The problem is ongoing since last week.
I tried that bend em over method and decided to untie the plants and do that next grow.
Plants were not returning staight up so i introduced some round dows(Woodpegs) from homedepot to the plants to try and straighten them up
This is when all these signs started happening-Signs like leaves being eatten
Dumb ass of me not to sterilize the wood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Still not sure what the little round bubbles are on the leaves -first time using microscope FOR PLANTS
Plasnts are Sativas:wall:


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's the neem because that's absorbed by the plant, and usually leaves a glossy finish on the leaves. Sorry man, but that sounds like you have eggs.


Active Member
yeah if it looks like eaten leaves...your fucked
sorry dude
remember cleanliness is next to godliness
if other people also agree with what now seems to be the obvious diagnosis i would dump the plants and seriouslt clean down the grow area bleach and water sterlize everthing.