Needs advice on a girl


Staff member
man ya'll a sappy bunch arent ya?

its over, move on , its been 9 months of dating not 5 years and a house together.
you sound young youll get over it. trust me. Im sorry she did that and she hurt you but its clear she doesnt wanna be with you
if you decide to profress your "love" to her, and she does comeback to you shes only going to be a twat another time and hurt you again. move on sweetie


Well-Known Member
How about this,

Fuck the middle easterners

And fuck the Russians

Go to a flea market and head to the stand that sells sex toys and trade her for a fleshlight

Problem solved

Now you can fuck a piece of rubber until you find a girl


Well-Known Member
Where did the poor OP go? Drowning his sorrows in pop rocks and Mountain Dew? Dude, what are you? Like 15? You thought since your (rather cunty it sound like) GF smoked weed you'd come here for advice?

Okay: Stop the crying, suck it up, shoulders back, head high, move the fuck on. In a year you won't even remember her name. If she wouldn't even talk to you (and BTW it's bullshit her phone died, that's girl speak for " I was trying to avoid you")

come on honey, it's time to be a man now. (That last sentence was sincere, the above were true, but not meant to be mean) First love hurts, but it's the first step on a long road man. Chin up


Well-Known Member
Okay, so today where I live, we celebrated the 4th of July

That's your problem right there, man. No where on planet fucking Earth was this past Sunday the 4th of July- the whole world is like 14 hours apart, max. You're living in a fucking dream world. Snap out of it, damnit. Pull yourself together you worthless twit. You listen to me, you fuck. Are you listening to me? You fuck. Start celebrating holidays at the right time, and start now. When Labor Day gets here you better celebrate it on the 1st of September, and not the 5th.

Remember they make calendars. Use them for all things date and month related.

Until you start obeying the rules of holidays and time, no one will care what happens in your stupid relationship.
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Well-Known Member
Okay, so today where I live, we celebrated the 4th of July, and me and this girl have been together for 9 months on the 23rd. Okay, I went up there to see her and I couldn't find her anywhere, and her phone died she said when I finally met her. So my mom pulls up in her truck (I'm with her) and I get out and was like "wtf? Where have you been? I been lookin for you for 2 hours." And so I could get her to get out to talk to me. So that hurt my feelins very bad so I start cryin, and she just like.. Drives off with her friend and now she doesn't wanna continue the relationship because she's fixin to go off to college and she thinks my momma is crazy. What do I do to get her back? Any advice? I love her to death.. And I've cried since like 8:00PM and it's 3:30AM here now. And she also smokes weed. Maybe that can help you guys help me. I feel like I can come to you guys for advice since I don't have a dad (he died when I was 4-5)

Fuck her. If you're 21 go to a bar and chill. Chicks are crazy and that will never change. The nice thing is there are around 7 billion people on earth and 1/2 being women.

I'd say the odds of you finding a better girl are pretty high. If your under 21 life will be better in a few years when you realize that girls are fucking nuts. No matter what you do. You just have to find the least crazy.