Need your help..please know what you're talking about.


Active Member
Greetings all,

Trouble in River City. See pics.

These plants are 7 weeks old under 600w hps. Have added a second light 2 days ago but maybe I shouldn't have?

Here's the scoop:

TEMPS: 62 lights off - 76 at plant top lights on. Fan for stress brings temps to 66 lights on. Used fan every other day for last week.

LIGHTS: 600w with glass lens 12 inches off the plants

Every 4th day...2 gallons for 7 plants in 5 gallon containers. Soil dry and pots light.

Every 4th day...2 gallons for 7 plants in 5 gallon containers. Each watering alternated these additions:
1) 3 oz PH down (for a 6.0 ph watering)
2) 4 oz foxfarm.


I was misting daily, then had a schedule change and missed that the last 2 weeks. Back to misting now.

Space heater in room...too much dry heat?

NOW: We have some yellowing and drooping. The leaves feel like 120 grit sandpaper. Not nearly happy :(

SO. Please help the super crystals, and Aussie Blues, and 2 mystery G plants to survive. If you would, please compare these 4 photos with the above info, I'm all ears and all gratitude.

Best, Spencer



Well-Known Member
when you make such a request, thus summoning the experts, You best have your PH of run off for them too.


Well-Known Member
what's the humidity in there?? the pics with the leaves curling up on the edges looks like it could be heat stress. i'm not sure bout the other things.


Well-Known Member
your ph needs too be maintained at constant number 6 with or without nutes also need to check the soil's ph as well kinda think you have a ph problem cause those are def ph spotting bad and it wont get better till you stabilize the ph no more nutes there locked out once the ph is stabilized ....every time has to be 6 ...... the nute def's will take care of the selfs ph spots come from your waterings always changing or transplanting into diffrent soils or degation of ph chems in hydro set ups let them dry water check run off or get a ph meter damp soil leads to more problem with ph once you know where you stand you can get advice as to how to fix the problem :) been there done that...p.s your name sucks cause it has cop in it.....but hey cops gotta get high too I guess


Active Member
Much thanks much thanks....

A good wqatering today perked them all right up...I will watch and see how long it takes for the water weight to lighten up again

I will mist to try to raise the humidity...not a whole lot of moisture in the cold northeast air.

I may have locked out some nutes by running the soil ph down to 6?

I'll flush...with just the tiniest bit of ph down...or straight 7.0 well water?

Again and again much thanks.



Well-Known Member
DO NOT FLUSH...TEST SOIL...well water is great ..THIS IS WHAT I WAS SAYING sorry:)No running 6-6.5 for soil is perfect I was stating what ever num you reg water at needs to stay the same 7 is to high of ph first I'd get a 7$ soil tester a ace hardware see where my soil is at and ajust from there the ph has to stay the same with all your waterings was all I'm trying to say test soil...soil....and if ph is high then lower it you need to know what your working with before you change the ph of nutes and watering this my friend will open alot of new doors up to you and take your grow to that next level pm me and we'll have a real long chat on soil prep and care your taking care of the microbes in the soil more than you are preparing it for your plants if microbial life is good little fert needed fast growth and ph will stay constant lots of ways to fix but just changing ph of waterings without knowing soil ph is counter productive :) that 7 ph watering may have helped if your soils ph is down but if it was high now you'll have to work harder to get back to 6.4 thats where I like my soil and as microbes break nutes to sugars they acidify the soil so you should watch soil ph as well cheap ph testers are ok and good for small growers if you have the money get a hanna handheld tester...DO NOT FLUSH you need to let the soil dry regularly or your putting a problem on a problem you feel me some soil is acidic when wet dry it out check ph and water according to what you find if you been overwatering next time you water know the soil ph then adjust the nutes or water to move you slowly twards you ideal soil number and add hydrogen per to help your roots breath and move in small steps no fert no flush you just need to get the ph of soil right so the roots can absorb what is already in the soil.