need to pass a drug test please help


Active Member
so i have been clean for 8 days now. bummer:cry: but its for a good job and i bought the MEGA CLEAN by detoxify has any one used this and does it work its gunna be a full bar drug scale and physical please help


Active Member
so i have been clean for 8 days now. bummer:cry: but its for a good job and i bought the MEGA CLEAN by detoxify has any one used this and does it work its gunna be a full bar drug scale and physical please help
I've never taken one of those "cleaners", but my husband has. Quite a few of the detox solutions mfg's. are so sure of the results they will guarantee or your money back. It worked flawlessly for the piss test. However, I'm not sure if it would cover anything OTHER than a piss test. If they are going to take hair and such, there may be an issue...IDK

Good luck!

Cap K

Well-Known Member
so i have been clean for 8 days now. bummer:cry: but its for a good job and i bought the MEGA CLEAN by detoxify has any one used this and does it work its gunna be a full bar drug scale and physical please help
Why put yourself through this? My last three jobs I got by using a friend of mine's clean piss. Totally fucking foolproof, but not for parole or probation officer piss tests.


Well-Known Member
Any of the Rescue products will more than get you through the piss test. I used one a couple weeks ago and it worked for me. I didn't even give it 24 hours of not smoking and it still worked. Good stuff, piss wasn't clear either so no redflags there. The stuff wasn't bad, it had a little bottle to mix in with 16oz of water and then you drink another 16oz of water after. Also it came with vitamin supplements to take with the flush since you have to do it on an empty stomach. Not bad for $18. Comes in grape and fruit punch flavor, I tried fruit punch.


Well-Known Member
Why put yourself through this? My last three jobs I got by using a friend of mine's clean piss. Totally fucking foolproof, but not for parole or probation officer piss tests.
Alot of companies that actually perform the tests check temp. If it's even a degree off, they trash your shit and make you do it again. I had a friend get screwed using fake piss this way.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much all of them check temp. It has to be over 90 degrees or you fail. I worked in the medical field and collected hundreds of specimens over the years.


Well-Known Member
Man just drink a lot of water the day of the exam. You'll be fine. If you pass the first exam they don't further test. If you get a neg or undetermined result then they do more further detailed testing.


Active Member
i can tell you from first hand experience how to pass 1.i was on probation and was clean for 9 weeks until i smoked.i went into my p.o's office and he asked me if i was clean and if i could pass a test and i told him yeah i could.because at the moment i could.well i smoked the day after (wednesday) and he called me and said he needed me to come back in tomorrow because he had to talk to me and he forgot to give me some papers about me to going to this rehab place (because i got arrested for smoking and they thought i had a drugproblem).well i drank water nonstop after i heard that.i was literally drinking so much that i would piss every 15 minutes and had to go real bad.i also took 3 niacin (500mg) from GNC.i drank 2 1litre things of cranberry juice to.i also did a mouthful of viengar and only succeded to swal just a tad.(worrst thing u can ever drink and horrible smell to)and he brought me into this empty room i had my back to him when i pissed and he said to me..what'd u do put water in this? b/c it was crystal clear and hardly had any smell at all to it.well after being stoned outa my mind just for them few hours i ended up passing the test.really wasn't worth going through all the trouble but i did pass though


Well-Known Member
Glycerin,the type used in confectionary and icing's and stuff,i can't remember the exact ratio but it cleans
your liver,thus making your piss clean,the glycerides do something to rapidly de toxify the liver could be
nasty but had a friend who used to use it to pass his test's


Well-Known Member
Drinking water will dilute your piss and sometimes they will make you drop again.I was on Intense Probation for 2 years.The best way to get clean is excercise,see thc stores in your fatty cells,the more fat you burn the faster thc gets out your system.I had been smoking non stop for years then I got placed on probation,I was afraid I wouldn't be able to drop clean for a while ,I worked out like crazy for a 4-5 days and came out clean after smoking like 8 years non stop.Ever since then thats all I do when I need to get clean fuck all that other shit,I take no chances especially when I was on Probation.


New Member
I had to take my first drug test the other week and it freaked me the hell out. My friend suggested "mega clean" because it is 100% herbal and the f*ckers at the testing labs can not detect that i detoxified myself. I took it the day of the test (about 4 hours beforehand) and my pee was still clear. It is not good for your pee to be clear for the drug test because it looks like you purposely did something to make it that way. Luckily, they let me re-schedule the drug test and 3 days later i had to pee in their stupid cup. It worked, i passed the test even 3 days after taking the flush. (With no smoking in between obviously.) My suggestion is to take the flush the day before, drink plenty of Gatorade or cranberry juice and pee as much as you can. You are going to want to pee until it has a yellow tint again. If you want to be extra careful take a shot of vinegar as well, it naturally cleans your body out. Good luck and happy smoking!!!!!!!!!!



Sector 5 Moderator
The yellow color is uric acid. I used to do urinalysis and I know that pee is yellow in the morning or if you have not been drinking enough water. Clear is not unusual if you are healthy and should not raise any flags. If you don't smoke much you should be good anyway, even without the flush. Best wishes to you on getting the job!!


The yellow color is uric acid. I used to do urinalysis and I know that pee is yellow in the morning or if you have not been drinking enough water. Clear is not unusual if you are healthy and should not raise any flags. If you don't smoke much you should be good anyway, even without the flush. Best wishes to you on getting the job!!
I agree with pimp...i was on parole recently so i just wasnt able to smoke all that often i never failed because i would always give myself a week to get clean and since i wasnt smoking that much (maybe once a week sometimes 2) i always passed a week should be long enough


Well-Known Member
Those detox drinks are a gimmick. All they are essentially is a dilution. Get yourself a bottle of Quick Fix 5.7

If you can't find it locally, you can pick it up online for around $30. Seems kind of expensive, but it's worth every penny. I've used it several times now and it is pretty much fool proof. Just follow the instructions. I always keep 2 bottles on hand. Depending on the test, you might get away with just using half amd can save the other half. I don't even bother with the hand warmers. They get it too hot. I've actually used it for a random at work and heated it up with my lighter in the bathroom. If you are careful you can do it without melting the plastic.

Well, just saw this thread is like 4 years old, lol. But anyone else that may run into this thread, take my advice! No sense messing around with detox drinks.


Well-Known Member
The yellow color is uric acid. I used to do urinalysis and I know that pee is yellow in the morning or if you have not been drinking enough water. Clear is not unusual if you are healthy and should not raise any flags. If you don't smoke much you should be good anyway, even without the flush. Best wishes to you on getting the job!!
Sorry to take away from the purpose of this thread, but this post reminded me of my ex-girlfriend... she worked in the lab in a nuclear facility before she progressed on another career path... she'd tell me stories of some of the messed up ugliness she would see in the urinalysis samples before they went under the spectrometer... ewwww! ;)


70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
In case somebody reads through this thread. I had somebody tell me the pectin method worked for him and he smoked the day before. I can't use quick fix for my truck driver physicals because they hold my dick while I'm nekked. If I can't quit smoking for a couple weeks I will have to try the pectin stuff in a couple weeks.