Need terpenes


New Member
Am in my 3rd wk of flower. Am running the mills line cause I heard #mills.pays.the.bills.
Can anyone help me figure out what’s the best additive to use in order to increase terpenes and trichromes

OG Doge

Well-Known Member
Genetics and low stress
!00% correct, use that mills at low ppm.

Am in my 3rd wk of flower. Am running the mills line cause I heard #mills.pays.the.bills.
Can anyone help me figure out what’s the best additive to use in order to increase terpenes and trichromes
If you are looking for a bottle solution get some Trich-XL from dutch master.

OG Doge

Well-Known Member
humics, triacontanol, aminos are well known terp, trichome producers, never had problems with flavor, actually the opposite.

budxl, canna boost, trich-xl, etc. all provide benefits to trichs and terps, you could also gets these elements wholesale and save a bundle.

Also if you want to get hardcore make a banana ferment, shit will blow your mind on quality.