Need Some Help

i have 1 plant here and i have no idea whats wrong with it could any one help me figure a way to make it survive or is it dead? and could anyone help me figure out why my pics are sooooo small.

no it was soo green and one day i come out and its like this and i check it every 2 days i seen no ssign of it starting to die and then just all of a sudden it was like this. and i know the pics are small is there anyway i make them bigger?


Well-Known Member
Pics are small because you are posting thumbnail resolutions. 85 x 150 or only 12K. Try for something like 48K min. 600 x 800.

But, best for this is 1 megapixel resolution or even 2, lets us blow up sections to see the detail.

You have give a lot of written detail, also.

I can say it looks like when I stay on Clonex too long rooting in, for hydro, the Cal/Mag deficiency shows up. But, are you root bound already?. How long has it been in the foam cup?

I do two thing according to what I see, but I can't see in your pictures.

The roots are not lifting water well, if the upper leaves remain corrugated. It lacks adequate Turgor Pressure.

So, It never hurts to transplant to begin a healing process. Just go slightly larger than your foam cup.

Then you can check your roots, also. Transplant will give an oxygen boost to the roots, but, will stress the girl into thinking she needs more roots. And I may trim the top to releive the pressure demand. Pull off leaves that are over 2/3 yellow, same reason. But, I can't see enough yet.

Don't over water.
Don't over water.
Don't over water.
Don't over water.

monday it will be 3 week i was planning on putting it in the ground yesterday but they looked like this and i didnt think it would have helped at all. have i left them in there for too long? and how do i make them 600 x 800?? i dont understand how they get sooo dead in just one day...