Need Some Help With The Lights

Okay so I'm having some troubles here, I have a few days left before I absolutely have to start harvesting, I need better lights. Right now I have 4 plants, two of them at around 4 feet and the other two at half that.(do the math silly heads) So I have one fluorescent fixture above it with two 40W bulbs. The grow space is 4 feet wide and 3 feet in length. I need a cheap way to light them( like under 150$)

I was thinking about just getting higher watt fluorescents?

Or maybe i'll just say fuck it and go with some CFLs.

We would just order some online, but it would take to long to arrive, and we would just go to a hydroponics store, but the fucking price is like 250$+ for a 400W HPS...? Ridiculous.
I've raided craigslist and can't find anything, if it is HPS it must be 600W or under.

PLEASE HELP:eyesmoke:

C Cat

Well-Known Member
Id just buy some CFL's If your gonna go cheap then,Good results could always upgrade after 1st harvest!

~C That Cat?:dunce:
If you're saying sell my harvest, no way man. This is all for me and the close friends. I do plan to upgrade later on however.

Here is what it has boiled down to, and this I thought of all by myself, so give me a thumbs up here...

Using wood we are building a large box, probably about 5-6 feet in height and it will be about 4 feet wide going about 3-4 feet back. Once the box is constructed we build wardrobe doors that swing open toward you on the front using wood as well, once finished, line the inside walls with mylar. Now here is the insanely brilliant part, fluorescent lights, I have so many. These canadians who lived in my house before me must have been growing something, there is a tool shed near my house filled with all the equipment I could ever need(except lights that are not fluorescent). We put inside four 48 inch fluorescent lights on the walls and one more hanging above. During flowering I use warm red fluorescent tubes for the top light, making sure that it does not touch the plants or else it will burn the leaves and cool white tubes on everything else. I find this actually works better than a single LED panel and costs alot less. Fluorescent light fixtures are about 15-30$ each. Once we have all the lights setup in there we just cut holes for the cords to come out, build a shelf for the fan, and voila. Bomb ass grow box that costs us almost nothing to make.
I also have a smaller cardboard growbox i built for my auto flowering plants, its made from a washing machine box and can hold about 2 full size auto flowers and probably 30 seedlings
Ive read about full spectrum fluorescent tubes? Which fluorescent tubes should i be using here and are all fluorescent tubes full spectrum..? I am going to the store tommorow to get them so please reply quickly :D I am about to go smoke and after that wont get on for a bit ;D ill be hanging out with some friends