Need some help with some things, please :D

Hello, I am going 14 plants pretty soon and was wondering if the nutrient regiment I have set up for them is okay.

Basically the same as my last grow but I am no longer using fox farms

The whole BMO line of nutes (Super Plant Tonic, Grow It Green, Flower Power, Foliar Harmony)
superthrive(only during veg and only used one time per plant)
BudCandy(used basically entire flowering period until flush obviously)

I use earth gro soil and I start all clones or seeds in a rockwool cube then move the cube into a pot usually only transplanting twice ending up in a 5 gal.

I know superthrive is no bueno, but I use it once when the plant is around 3-4 inches as a boost, I think in moderation superthrive is fine to use, but no more than twice per plant.
I'm using two 400W HPS kits for flowering and one for veg. I had a small mite problem (webbing around my buds) but that is now resolved after making some pepper spray.