Need some help with my first plant!


Hello to all forum members,

I have some basic but very important questions:

1. Anyone have any idea what is my plant type this is form seed that i got from friend who really dont know what is the type?

2. Can anyone tell me why i dont have any branches ? and where exactly i need to cut the plant to make some divisions ? and if this is possible.
I will be very thankful if someone get any of my pictures and point where exactly i need to cut the plant to make branches?
Also please let me know how to make clone?

3. The plant is in the end of the second week of the flowering stage 12/12

Please any help about the growth of the plant is great help for me.
This is my very first try of growing ever and i'm still in great fog.

Thanks in advance guys,
Wish you great harvest!!!




Well-Known Member
Stretched for light or bolting. Next time top, FIM ,LST or supercrop in veg for more colas. Probably a hybrid.


Thanks for replay,

Can you please explain in short what is all there abbreviations "top FIM LST supercrop"
Thanks in advance and my second question is most important to me because i need to know how and where to cut the plant to make branches.



Well-Known Member
Top is pinching the top stem to promote more tops.
FIM is fuck I missed.a technique to clip to get more tops. search here
LST is bending the plant with string to get more tops Low Stress Training.
Supercropping is semicrushing the stem so it bends over for more tops. search here.
MANY threads on em. More light is always a plus.


Thank you for that information it is very helpful.

I see LST is very productive ,but can i use it or any of this methods in flowering stage?



Well-Known Member
You need more light for sure! also you can cut the top half inch off. and the sides will grow but to be honest you need more light.


New Member
looks really good. looks like you got a hybrid of sativa and indica

dont cut any of the plant away.

she looks early in flower. you can try to lst and then release just to train it for a week or two. your plant looks healthy because its a good color and it reaches for the light.

use soft rope to lst. go slow if it wont go parallel to floor right away


looks really good. looks like you got a hybrid of sativa and indica

dont cut any of the plant away.

she looks early in flower. you can try to lst and then release just to train it for a week or two. your plant looks healthy because its a good color and it reaches for the light.

use soft rope to lst. go slow if it wont go parallel to floor right away

Hi Bmeat,

Thanks for your great replay,
It's the latest state of my flower i tied it yesterday at the same time.
Sorry for the low quality its from the foil!
I want to tell that all of my young branches started to build a little tops plus the tip.
I think i dont have enought room in my box to make it parallel ,you can see the way it takes for 12 hours!
Please let me know if i need to pull it hard to make it parallel to the ground or i can make another tye and pull the top in another direction ?

Thanks for your attention!!!

2012-12-17 01.51.43.jpg2012-12-17 01.51.33.jpg


New Member
That looks great how it is. See now the.bottem and middle nodes are also becoming tops?

What week in flower are you ? Please update with results. I want to see if popcorn fruit become bigger than they would have


Its now in first day from the third week in flowering
I will keep updating with pics every few days.
So please everyone give information ,advices and everything you think will help my plant get big buts :)

Thanks guys and cheers!


Well-Known Member
Your light is too far away. Way too far away. Get rid of that shiny crap whether it's tin foil or Mylar. Plain white butcher paper works far better and no heating problems from it.


I want also to let you know that i don't use any of the special soils on the market
I use regular soil from the flowers shop with 20 20 20 concentration ,any tips about what concentration should i use in the flowering ?


New Member
it looks really healthy :) you can use the same soil, and if you want to do something you can add compost to the top layer of soil and water it in on watering day


Hi bmeat,

Thanks for your help
In my last post i see that i used wrong word :) i wanted to tell that i'm watering with 20 20 20 fertilizer
I read somewhere that phosphorus and some other elements help the plant to build bigger heads
Thats why i think to get another fertilizer with 10 40 30 or something like that


New Member
one (pretty strong, which you have) fertilizer would work. i use a 1-1-1 all purpose compost before sowing and a 1-1-1 fish emulsion liquid feed, but only every week. i should be doing it every other week, or less, but oh well.


Well-Known Member
Your light is too far away. Way too far away. Get rid of that shiny crap whether it's tin foil or Mylar. Plain white butcher paper works far better and no heating problems from it.
That shit looks like a mylar balloon after a cat played with it.


New Member
yeah but look how well the lst went. the bottems are now tops. it reminds me of an auto plant with its very flat leaves. almost like how the leaves on the buds stand up