need some help please


Active Member
my seedling is about 7days has just started to show it's first set of true leaves and I decided to add the flourecent light adn had one of my seedlings wilt near the base.....does anyone know if that is due to light being exposed too early? I also opened the vent for several hrs today to let some C02 in and wonder if that's what caused my little gal to wilt



Active Member
do you think....I should try to dry out the medium a bit... it kind of has a smell to it. I drained all extra water and have taken the dome off the germination station...while still using the light. I think it's an over watering problem

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
You might be watering too much but I know its not from the light or the co2. On my plants I put a big light on them before they even sprout. I also have a thing of homemade co2 on them and they look great....


Active Member
avlazed blunt... thanks for the input..

i took the dome you think i should put it back on and just open the vents for a couple hrs a day...or all day?

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
If I was you I would leave it off intill your plants start looking good again and then maybe put it back on or just not put it back on at all.


Active Member
thanks ablazed blunt..

I will try that and post an update in a couple days..

you've been a great help
I at first thought it was the light...but then i was reading up on how too much water and moisture can be bad as well and read something about a smelly room can also cause wilting.....:(

I hope I can get this right


Active Member is hard at first to resist the temptation to water....and water...and water some more when you first start to grow. is called weed! It is a tough plant... it will bounce back.
Better to dry it out than drown it....
Also...don't forget to have a small fan moving air constantly in your grow space......this will make the stems strong!


Active Member
thank you joedoe69


I think i've been doing just a bit too much watering....but i believe they can still bounce back... it's actually only one the went down...but it is still pointing up...

it's been a bit tricky to get this right.. i've been slowly getting closer to solving this problem...and I think that by not adding as much water it should get me past week 1



Well-Known Member
For cloning domes use ONLY DISTILLED water.

Regular tap water will have shit which causes problems and rot and weird ass science projects. And we drink this stuff ? Not me.