Need some help!!! pictures. Flo isnt looking too good.


My girls are about three and a half weeks old, from seed. And about three of my girls are having the same symptoms that thiss one is.. The lower leaves are all brown and crispy, they look dieseased almost. while the newest growth is still green, the brown spots are spreading up towards the newer growth... This is my second grow, my first being successful, so i would say that i have a pretty good knowledge of cannabis and its cultivation. but i need some help with this for sure.

The only things that i can think of are it either being a nut def, or it may be some sort of bugs in the soil...? if bugs in the soil was the case is this what she would be looking like?? The reason that i say it may be bugs is because about four or five of the seeds that i planted after a successful germination ended up dying a few days later and never sprouting. the reason this happend, i came to find out after i dug up the seeds to see what was happening, that there were a ton of little white bugs crawling around the seed and surrounding area. they almost looked like maggots to me, soil maggots.. i have no idea how this happend or what it is. but if anyone know something i dont i would really love some help! thank you.:leaf:

i guess i also might like to add that i am using a micro CFL grow, normal temps and humidity, watered when needed with 24 hour distilled water. good ventilation.... anything else i will gladly answer :)



Active Member
where did u get your soil from. Please do not say wal-mart or k-mart or something similar, as these stores keep the soil outside for them to get rained on and let bugs get in them. I bought soil from walmart once and had bugs galore.


Active Member
i think you're ok. the maggots are fungus gnats, and they do not harm living matter much - so they probably just ate a dead seed.
to me it looks as if you may not have holes at the bottom of your cups - or they are not large enough.
stick your babies in a new pot, and see them take off.


where did u get your soil from. Please do not say wal-mart or k-mart or something similar, as these stores keep the soil outside for them to get rained on and let bugs get in them. I bought soil from walmart once and had bugs galore.
:wall: Fuck. yeah. it wasnt as bad as walmart. haha. it as cal ranch. organic shit. i got it because it was outside and i just threw it in the truck.. fuck. guess im paying for it. any solutions, or ideas??


i think you're ok. the maggots are fungus gnats, and they do not harm living matter much - so they probably just ate a dead seed.
to me it looks as if you may not have holes at the bottom of your cups - or they are not large enough.
stick your babies in a new pot, and see them take off.
ya i was thinking about transplanting them in the next couple days. when i looked at the roots on this girls they were still white and pretty vibrant, not as good as i would like of course, so im hoping there is some way to kill they bugs or whatever is causing this problem. any thoughts?? thanks a ton.


ummm just an update for anyone that still can help.
it is getting worse. i am guessing because of the disease or whatever it is.
i really need to take some action so im thinkin either take out the affected plants all together of possibly trim affected areas and see if that will help. or... i dont even know. i need some help please.
also does anyone know if diseases can be spread throughout a crop. if so i think it is already to late for the other girls, but im just going to wait it out and see. i put too many dank seeds into this to just through it away.