Need some advice


Active Member
First of I'm new so bear with me.I'm wondering if I could get some feedback on a couple questions?My big bud is 5 weeks and I've seen pistols on the main stem could these be girls or do I wait till I flower to tell for sure.How long should I keep vegging?I've 6 more afgan/skunk on week 3 and I want to go 12/12 all together.Thanks for any input and I'll put up more pic's as I go.Peace:peace:


Iron Lungz23

Well-Known Member
Hard to see from so far, u can usually tell the sex in the first 2 weeks of flower. U can veg for as long as u want or depending on size & space restrictions, but most would veg for 4 weeks after seedling stage.


Well-Known Member
Most Growers I know wait until a plant is Mature before inducing flowers. Or 18".
Anyways are you seeing pistils at the nodes (main stem and leaf spur). It's a girl. No need to 12/12 to check.
Me I would wait until she is 18" so you can watch the plant pack on a heavy yeild in 12/12. You can flower anytime there's no rules. but when a plant is mature then goes out to flower, yoor yeilds are High. If it is not mature you yeilds are low and possible stress/hermie/slow growth, etc.
I Love a heavy Yeild I veg until Mature. I have gotten as much as 7.5 a plant. Normally 5oz is what I get.


Active Member
Thanks alot to all of you.The pistols are on the stems and nodes so I guess I'm a proud father of 4 girls so far,I'll start 12/12 tommorrow as they are 20' now and the afganie/skunk are 12'.Should I top these?