Need some advice plz



  • Can i stick to measure only the EC of the water because i don't want to spend too much money on this equipment

    Im growing in an indoors closet using DWC system...So does different strains needs different EC level each week?

    How can I know which strains need what EC level?​



Well-Known Member
Jennings: I think I only paid about $30 for my ppm meter at the local hydro store and with the advice of the guys who sold it to me I've kept my nutes between 500 and 1200 and there's been no problem. Some times I think we make it a lot more complicated than it needs to be for a small scale grow. I hope that helps. HSA

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
One of the advantages of growing all one strain is that they get the same feeding. There are many other advantages. I have a good ppm meter and haven't used it for 2 years. I think the plants tell me all I need to know about feeding levels, and once I get it dialed in for a strain I just follow it.