Need serious advice


Active Member
based on what you wrote it seems your parents definitely dont have your best interest in mind, they obviously only care about their own little probs or you wouldnt be dragged into it. they are being selfish and petty. dont let that shit get to you. ever.

handle it as long as you can while getting your stuff and cash together, and then get out when you can. (as fast as you can).

things like this will just make you stronger when you defeat them, and you can do it.

best wishes.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
They already took a biopsy and didnt grow anything.. Im sure its a medication reaction shes on like 7 dif pills i wish she would quit it all. They had me on ritalin since 7 for adhd i quit that when i was 16
Whatever it is gargling with warm salted water and brushing, and flossing will give her symptomatic relief. Please at least let her know that? As for you I'm so sorry to hear you grew up in chaos. I feel so bad for the kids today.
First off man, kick back, relax, smoke a j, and think of all the good things you have going on in your life, no matter how small. Be grateful for the person you are, and be happy being the person you are. Get out a pen and pad and write down ALL the shit that makes you happy, and write down your goals. Goals being anything from obtaining your ged, to making somebody laugh, getting a job, or anything you want to accomplish. Be creative about accomplishing your goals, and you don't need to know how you will accomplish them, just know that YOU WILL accomplish them. Don't let petty stuff get you down, just know how you feel is all up to you. This next part is all up to you, but if I were you I would definitely tell your dad he needs help, and be direct with him even though it can be very difficult with him being an your dad. If he is snorting ritalin that shit aint cool, aint no one got time for that. And just like someone else said before, call your moms doctor to let him/her know she is not getting her medication.

PS- try meditation.


New Member
Whatever it is gargling with warm salted water and brushing, and flossing will give her symptomatic relief. Please at least let her know that? As for you I'm so sorry to hear you grew up in chaos. I feel so bad for the kids today.

lysine (sp?) works for me also


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure without more information but your Mother may be suffering from something called NUG... (Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis) Which is induced from stress and lack of sleep. Number one is getting enough sleep and vitamins, if she can't eat fruits and veggies due to her mouth being too sore, take vitamin pills and drink plenty of water and nothing containing sugar. She may need to make a dental appointment to be treated for the condition. If she isn't too sore to open her mouth, proper dental hygiene is very important as Curious suggested.

As for you, do what you have to, to keep your job and try to find support from positive people around you. Although you can be sympathetic too your parents issues, you need to take care of yourself first. Don't take on their issues as if they were your own. Good luck and there is support out there, if you need help, ask for it.