need PC game idea


Well-Known Member
I'm bored and looking for a good PC game, I just checked out the trailer for Assassin's Creed by Ubisoft, and looks kick ass. Does anyone know of any other assassin style games that I can alleviate my boredom?


Well-Known Member
some one needs to create the ultimate marijuana game. like you get to start in either the USA and have to grow covertly or start in a place like Jam Rock. or Canada.ect. and work your way up from little stealth closets to big 500 plant ops. and either choose to take the "legal route" and sell for medical to dispensaries, or take up the streets. shit would be bad ass


Well-Known Member
i just played COD 4 last night on ps3 on a 64" HD tv. that fucking game is bad fucking ass dude! to fucking real. Assassins Creed looks pretty good also. I'm waiting for GTA4 and GT'HD to come out.

Don MaJic

Active Member
That 1st idea about the drugs games sounds pretty good mr x, it'd probably get banned as soon as it come out tho, thats if they would even commission such a game. Totally agreed on GTA4 and GTHD, i been waiting for them games for ages, and Metal Gear 4, that looks wicked from the gameplay demo thats been released on PS Store.


Well-Known Member
Crysis. Played it for a few minutes at a store. DAMN FUCK YEAH!! But thats a first person shooter.
Hitman is alright.
Oblivian looks like assasin's creed, I heard its addicting, never played it, dont play RPGs
Umm, there arent any good games nowadays.

Why not get back into the older games? Or emulate some systems.


Active Member
ignorance is on the rise. a drug game game is not cool. In todays time we are lost. Greed and power is the real game, most that have it fail to use it to its greastest asset


Well-Known Member
I didn't think it was out yet, let alone being demo'd in a store! I would love to get my hands on that. If only I had a PC with a graphics card able to handle direct x 10...ahh, what am I talking about, I'm a Mac owner, no I don't!


Well-Known Member
I didn't think it was out yet, let alone being demo'd in a store! I would love to get my hands on that. If only I had a PC with a graphics card able to handle direct x 10...ahh, what am I talking about, I'm a Mac owner, no I don't!
Totally man! It twas a great experience! I was shaking! Oh wait mac user? nevermind, I dont know you....