need ideas for keeping light out of my flowering area without overheating

hey guys can anyone lend some expertise? im trying to figure out a way to veg a mother and harvest clones all in one area. im using a small closet as a grow area.


Well-Known Member
Youll almost have to have 2 seperate light set ups. One for flowerin ands one for veg. You can use panda film/black and white poly to make a divider/seperate area in the closet for your mother and clones. If you dont have enough cash to spend on another lighting system i would use cfl's and or the long flourecent garage style lights that hardly put out any heat for the mother.
hope this helps


Well-Known Member
I think that came out wrong. use the panda film to divide the flowering area from your mother and clones area that way you have 2 roomsin your closet 1 for flowering and the other for mother and clones
See thats what i had originally thought.. But then i started to imagine the heat created by the hps. if i was to use that product you had mentioned to create a "tent" then i will have to figure out a way to vent that tent. im up for any ideas on that cause i would like to keep this entire project in one area. im thinking it will involve dryer vent and duct tape. im trying to get a handle on all this info regarding carbon scrubbers as well. like an inline filter it sounds to be. oder control will be an important priority. thank you for your help my friend. any info you got would be helpfull for me.


Active Member
try posting this in newbie central you'll probably get a lot more answers. you can keep the clones in the same room as the mother under 24 hr light. just dont keep them under direct light keep em off to the side and make sure there under some kind of humidity dome and that will diffuse some of the light as well. just dont put them under that hps. just a cheap shop light with the daylight (6500 k) bulbs is perfect for mothers and rooting cuttings
so how long do the cuttings need to stay with mom under the shop light? i was thinking just a few weeks or so untill they root then they should be able to veg like normal. im going to be using that hps to veg as well. there should be no trouble as i think they will benifit from the mixed spectrum vegging up like that. im going to use that hps up top obviously allong with some cfl's at mid level all the way around. the clones i take each time will grow to the same hight each time once i get the schedual set. that way i will be able to permanently screw the sockets for the cfl's in the wall all the way around the grow at the desired hight. im figuring this set up more and more as i plan it on paper. i have three seperate "cells" for the plants in differant stages of growth. in the one cell is the mother.. i will be putting the cuttings i take from her in the same cell for a time untill they root. they will then move over to the next cell where they can veg under the t5 light untill they get to the desired size then move to the final vegging/flowering area. im thinking that if moved there at one foot tall they should be able to veg for one more week under the very intense mixed spectrum of light. then i will back of the amount of hours and bring on the flowering process when the actuall time is reached. i want to be able to set this up in a revolving system that will do a duck duck goose move every few weeks.. im sure this will take time to figure out fully but ill get it. just keep givin me any info you can. especially how to close off the cells to light without overheating the area. im working on some ideas but would like more.


Active Member
the flowering area is the only one that has to be completely light tight really. not sure how your gonna keep it cool though
not sure either.. i was thinking i can make a duct system out of dryer hose and small fans. its basically set up like little rooms with no door. i will have to make the door out of a material that is light proof and able to come up and down without to much trouble. i was thinking velcrow might be helpfull somehow. if its a heavy cloth material i can velcrow it up when i want and pull it down when i want. if i cut two holes in the door the size of laundry hose i should be able to figure out a way to make an intake and exaust. then each stage area can operate independently of each other without any bad news..