Need Help


Active Member
Whats wrong with this plant Iv got 4 26w cool cfls with a fan blowing on it. Lights are about 2 inches away. About 1 month old no ferts added yet. Soil 1/4 Expert Organic 1/4 epxert moisture control 1/4 perlite 1/4 peatmoss. Watered about every 3 or 4 days when soil is dry 2 inches on top.

Any Ideas whats wrong?


Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Well... I'm certainly no expert but I'll give it a shot....... that plant is big enough for nutes. I'm using a medium of Coco (which is organic) and one thing I've learned along the way is that when they say "organic and has all food needed for young plants" it's BULLSHIT! I killed 5 plants believing that nonsense. It wasn't until I read a few of the Coco growers threads that I realized others had discovered the same thing and they recommended organic nutes that are labeled ok for seedlings.

Also, check the PH of the water you are using. My tap water is around 7.5 - 8.... which is way too high for Coco... I keep my water in the 5.5 - 5.9 range. (this is for Coco... you're using soil so yours should be a bit higher). Your growing medium is not straight soil so it may require a lower PH water then straight soil so the nutrients don't get locked out.

I'd suggest you first flush that plant with 2 times the container size PH CORRECTED water to flush out any possible salt buildup.

Next I'd suggest you get that plant started on nutes right away with PH water no higher then say 6.7????. I've learned the correct way to do this is get water.... add nutes... then PH test and correct from other words...don't adjust PH until after nutes are added to the water as the nutes affect the PH level.

Personally ... I'm really liking the Botannicare Pro Grow nutes as it's pretty much idiot proof and not easy to overdo if you follow the label. Whatever you do ... DO NOT use miracle gro....apparently it's not good for MJ plants

With all that being said.... I'm a noob myself.... so if a more experienced gardener comes along and says something different based on your post & pic then I'd listen to them before me

Good Luck with your baby


Well-Known Member
First,I'm new to these boards but not new to Growing. Miracle Grow DOES work and it's been proving. Do some research. Next, when you say you have a fan blowing on that plant, do you have it blowing in one spot or osculating? I had a small plant look like that when I had too much air blowing on it.