Need Help With Temp! Plz


Well-Known Member
its fine.
In afgan / india it gets up to around 100 area so i personally dont know why people complain. Mine have been going on 83-85 the whole time and they're little beauties :) So i wouldn't worry mate. I'd stay below 90s tho.


Well-Known Member
Your pics looked like they were heat stress man, what kind of thermometer are you using?


Active Member
Theres a pic of my Thermometer , i bought it for like 15 bucks at a hardware store , and im thinking i might put 2 more pc fans in my box , 1 on each side , i have one fan on the bottom blowing air in the box then i think ill put 1 on the left side blowing more air in and one on the right blowing air in , and i have 1 fan on the top back blowing air out , but i think all that might be too much air? i think lol



Well-Known Member
You should have more exhaust than intake, that will create a negative pressure inside the box sucking out all of the heat
If anything add another exhaust fan and make a hole for a passive intake


Well-Known Member
Yes that will create a negative pressure in the box bringing in fresh air through the intake holes


Active Member
true that man i actually never thought of it like that! , thanks alot man! how many exhuast fans you think i should put in , i already have 1 , should i put 2 more in?


Well-Known Member
What are the CPU fans hooked up to?
What voltage, 12v? Get a 12v adapter and hook up your fans to that.
You won't need so many fans only two or three total


Active Member
well my one fan (intake) is a is a 12v hooked up to a 12v dc , and my outake is the same , i have both fans hooked up to seprate dc's cuz when i had them hooked up to the same one would be slower then the other


Active Member
Alright , so i took the back to fans and made them so that the air inside the box was blowing out through the back through both fans , and then i installed another fan on the front door that is blowing air in , hope this helps with the temp lol and i did a hack job with masking tape , but im planing on making my grow box alot better when i get some more cash , but it will have to do for now



Well-Known Member
Damn bro that is all messed up
You should have the exhaust at the highest point in the box and the intake at the lowest point
Hot air rises cool air doesn't
If you can put those exhaust fans even at the top of the box and the intake fan at the bottom corner
That way you have the best air flow possible


Active Member
i know ha , i was actually thinking about that when i was doing it , i was thinkin about putting both exhausts on the top left and right corners on the back of the box and then putting the intake on the bottom of the door


Active Member
well now atleast i know what to do lol , somtimes i just do things without thinking it through till its done then i realize i messed up , thanks for bein so patient with me lol, ill have to make up a new door and back panel and do it that way lol