need help with my plant and pic

im using a hydroponic system im using 24/0 light with a 125 watt buld its about 10/11 days old and i fed it for the first time 3 days ago the fan leaves are going yellow at the tip can anyone help me by the pic please IMG-20130209-00230.jpgIMG-20130209-00231.jpgIMG-20130213-00235.jpgIMG-20130213-00236.jpgIMG-20130214-00237.jpgIMG-20130214-00238.jpg


Well-Known Member
what are they and is it going to die
Are you growing in hydro without knowing what ph and ppm is?

ph is the acidity of the liquid you give them

ppm is the 'parts per million' and represents how much nutrients is in the water.

They are fundamentals to hydro gardening. Maybe soil might be a better idea, whilst you're learning.
dont no the ph and ppm the guy said when i bought it that i didnt need to worry about that and i fed the aqua cana vega 35ml a and 35ml b mixed with half litre of water that all they have been fed the guy said i didnt need to worry bout ph and that cos im only doing 1 plant


Well-Known Member
dont no the ph and ppm the guy said when i bought it that i didnt need to worry about that and i fed the aqua cana vega 35ml a and 35ml b mixed with half litre of water that all they have been fed the guy said i didnt need to worry bout ph and that cos im only doing 1 plant
then the guy lied. monitoring ppm and ph are essential parts of hydroponic growing. if your new grow in soil its much more forgiving