need help with my clone


Well-Known Member
This is really a very simple process,the main thing is to just leave them alone.
All the poking and jostling around while you worriedly look at them is the absolute worse thing you can do.
I swear if you try it like this with little to no variation you will have success,just try it.
This is an easy way to do some cuts.First a healthy plant in veg with some good branching,side and top views.
I use an old cutting board,a rusty razor,sharp fine pointed scissors and roottech gel.
You don't need any hormones at all to take cuts successfully but it speeds up the process and the plants are less beat up by the time they root.
How the branch looks removed with nodes attached and stripped off,I just pinch them off be careful not to kink the stem.......kinking is bad.
Stick in gel let sit for 30 seconds or so.
In this case I'm using peat pellets but it'll work in just about anything that will keep the cut from drying out while it's rooting.
Soak the pellets overnight or they'll suck the moisture outta the cuts with bad results.
Poke hole in pellet,stick cut all the way down again careful not to kink the stem.
Form pellet around stem,gently.......then dunk in water to replace what ya squeezed out by forming then put in a dome.I'm using a cake box,they come in a huge variety of shapes and sizes plus ya getta cake.......fucking A.
In this case they're about 12"s under a 42 watt cfl,just leave'em alone they don't like being messed with.
Roots take anywhere from 5 to 15 days depending on plant and temp,I will take some pics and explain how I quick harden them off and pot'em when these root.
Now the donor plant provided 6 cuts and has 4 main branches,ready to be up-potted and flowered tomorrow.
Attached Thumbnails



New Member
as long as soil is really damp and you put rooting compound on it , fan leafs cut in half, leave dome on and dont touch it for like 4 days 100 percent of the time is human error from fckin around with it let nature take its course i clone 800+ clones with a lose rate of approx 20 clones



if it still looks like that in another day or 2 i think its had it m8, the clones only really droop the day you take them, then when you put them under the dome when you look the next day they are standing all proud waiting for you, lol.
can you not get another one off your mate? cut the leaves like in the utube video and put them straight in to a peat pellet or something similar, pots are fine but not easy to check for roots for the first time, just make sure to put it straight under the dome( your bag).

did you put the clone straight into the pot at your freinds house or did you cut it then take it to your b4 you planted?
after day 1 it was still droopy, ill check it in the morning as well. and no i got it from my mate and then went home which took like 10 mins and then planted it in soil.


good news! i looked at the plant today and it seems to have picked itself up a little. Not completely but its getting there.
the stem also looks alot stronger and instead of hanging down its now standing up :-o the leaves still look a little worse for ware but there picking themselves up as well. sort of unfolding themselves and springing back.

Ill upload some pictures of the plant tomorrow when it should be looking much healthier for those of you still interested. :clap::clap:


great, thanks for the advice. Ill take a couple photo's tomorrow to show you guys the improvement.

and then later on when my plant actually gets going ill start a journal for it.



okay, so this is my clone after it's 3rd day. As it has a small stem it may not look like its picked itself up much to anyone but me. but the two little nodes coming out the top are now standing up. Iv'e tried to get a couple shots of the stem which is now pointing up and the two other (side stems) are pointing outward. Like i said you may not be able to see any change but if you look back at the other pictures then you will see it looks much better. :-o

i also noticed the side of the leaves are turning yellow, but this is good right? means the plant is feeding off itself?

and the leaves are still sort of folded from when i first planted it, and i haven't tried flattening them out because i dont want to mess with the plant in it's early stages.


New Member
all those big fan leafs cut them in half you still got lots of leafs you didnt touch you need to cut them in half


Well-Known Member
agree with above, you need to cut more off all the big leaves, the weight of them is making the plant still look abit droopy, but its deff looking better


ok, well im glad it's looking better.
And i have taken your advice and have trimmed the fan leaves. Let me know what you guys think. Also i didn't trim the new fan leaves (in the middle of the plant) because they looked quite healthy and nice.