need help with lights


Well-Known Member
Ok so far I've had 2 racks of 3 flourescent light fixtures over my plants and so far so good my plants are all around 2 and half to 3 ft with all daylight and silvana sunstick flourescent tubes this is at my buddies house and he doesn't really wanna run a hps or metal halide so what would my options be cause I'm almost ready to flower them so what would be the best cost efficient way to get the most crop with out having to go with hps or metal halide


Well-Known Member
Ok so the sunstick and daylight bulbs are fine to flower with too or is there another type of flourescent tube I should use for budding


Active Member
To flower you will need 2700k bulbs, a 2:1 mix of 2700k and 6400k would be great though.

Make sure you get those bulbs within 2" of her!

Good luck!

Illegal Smile

I agree, leave the tubes as they are and add a couple 2700k cfls at least 65w actual.