Need help with identity of this plant please


Active Member
Can anyone tell wht strain this is and or if its a hermie or straight female,its in week 6 of flower,thnks id def appreciate anyones help.


Active Member
looks like a staright female even if it does hermie it will still be kill and wont have much or any seeds if you seed yellowish bannnas shooting out the buds it hermie my last plant hermie late in flower but didnt have any seeds and was still killler


Well-Known Member
cant tell u the strain no one can u either know or u dont .(at least by looking at pic) one pic looks sativa other looks indica predominant but anyways the pollen will get to the rest of your ladies if its a hermie so u may have a few seeds GOOD LUCK


the strain could be trainwreck ?
Strain could be anything, don't believe anyone who says it 'could be' something or other. There is absolutely no way to tell by looking, you really can't expect anyone to and especially because that is a particularly generic looking bud.

Nice job, though.