Need help topping


Well-Known Member
Yeah topping outside is good and i wait until there are 4 nodes and cut only the top one off at earliest.


Well-Known Member
Top it as many times as you want. remember it is YOUR

Do not top too close to flower.


New Member
The more you top the bushier it gets. I prefer to pinch back at every third node on fast growing vigorous plants. when the plant gets too crowded you can start tying limbs down opening up the top of the plant allowing more light in and promoting even growth.
You pinch off the stem about 1/8 inch above the "node"
Don't top after the plant starts budding.


Well-Known Member
dude just pinch about 3-4 inchesthe very top of the plant or part you want to put in idle for the moment. grab it with ur pointer and thumb and give a gentle but firm squeeze. You will feel the plant pop/give way almost break but stay perfectly in tact ( super cropping ). Works great and you keep all the bud sites.


Well-Known Member
dude just pinch about 3-4 inchesthe very top of the plant or part you want to put in idle for the moment. grab it with ur pointer and thumb and give a gentle but firm squeeze. You will feel the plant pop/give way almost break but stay perfectly in tact ( super cropping ). Works great and you keep all the bud sites.
Would that be better if your close to flower? so you dont stunt it for 2 week?


Well-Known Member
topping and super cropping are both badass methods that mad people use. Id do topping if the plant was smaller as I dont really wanna chop half of a big plant away. Super cropping works great as the season moves on. So to answer your ? id say yes.


Well-Known Member
you wana throw up a video or pic?? do you jus like Pinch half way down the plant so it falls down? and lets buds in the foliage? but still intact so that fluids can still be delivered?


Well-Known Member
just grab the part u want to stop growing and pinch it...hard enough to make it dent in. It should stay right how it was b4 pinching.... Ill do it tom and take a video for ya.
thanks for all the replies guys, huge help. I was wondering what super cropping is? i have 12 plants, half will be female. My goal is to get as many buds as possible from them, and I have 11 weeks until harvest.


Well-Known Member
In my experiance supercropping has not been very effective for me. the plants always seem to quickly recover and straighten right back up. Is there a way to prevent this?
just grab the part u want to stop growing and pinch it...hard enough to make it dent in. It should stay right how it was b4 pinching.... Ill do it tom and take a video for ya.

Vid please??
Is it okay to trim off any yellowish burnt leaves from the seedlings? (rounded leaves not serrated)


Well-Known Member

This isnt the best but I hope you can atleast see what im talkin bout. And dont mind the lady she just had a top that was a goodin for demo =D For the seedling ? I think its a good thing to get rid of any leaves that are all burnt up. For some reason Im not getting sound lemme know if it works for you