Need help SEXING! Male or Female?

Hey! New to growing, starting this baby off from seed. Don't even know if its Male of Female. I'm growing outside in a 5 gal pot in FF Happy Frog Soil. Just started giving it nutes very lightly..But I noticed dark spots on one or two of the leaves. And on one leaf, it looks slightly burned.Also, I am NOT using tap water. I don't think it's spidermites because the spots are not under the leaves. I am using only filtered water. Spots are NOT at the edges of the leaves so I don't think its a potassium deficiency. Only other problem it could be having is a blight problem.. possibly a form of black spot? If that's the case, I have Serenade Garden Disease control (all natural, organic!) that is great for that. Should I use it?? I think from the hairs on the top node closest to the sun its a sign its a female but Im a total newb. Thank you so much!!!
I attached some pics!! Thank you.


Active Member
looks to me like it's not showing sex at all yet, not sure when that will happen since your growing outdoors. Looks to me like your looking at the Stipules which all cannabis plants have.


yup too young i know it sucks all u want to know is the sex the whole time so u know your not wasting your time on a male plant


Concerning the black spots, are they plant damage or something on the surface? A simple test is to rub your finger across the area to, see if they move. If possible, can you get a microscopic shot of that area as well? Also I notices a lot of little white dots on the fan leaf. Those could indicate an infestation. If that is all it is, I believe a mild solution of soapy water might be all you need. ^^