need help please. first time grower

Sorry about the quality of these pictures. Took on a cell phone. lol My question is does this look healthy? and what does it mean when the flowers are sticking almost all the way up like i pointed out in the picture. Thanks for the advice. Also is it normal for the one side of the plant to be bigger then the other? it almost looks like the one thats circled on the left is almost just dieing (falling apart or whatever).



in one word yes. as they have just started they will look like that, pointing up and they will open out over time wont be to long tho. one side bigger than the other i would not wory about it at all.
those two little round leafs that are on the bottom will die but dont pull them off yet they will go brown and they will as good as fall off in your fingers when they are ready but by then you will have quite a nice plant on the grow so dont loose sleep ova it man its all good
i live in Arkansas. I have a question about weather. Is it healthy for a plant to sit out side if the weather is 50

Wind: NW at 12 mph

Humidity: 56%
for just a couple of hours a day in shaded or even sun lighted area for the plant to get natrual freash air? keep in mind the plant is only 1-3half week old