Need help please!!! First grow white widow auto


plant 070.jpgplant 059.jpgplant 067.jpgplant 065.jpg HEY EVERYONE THIS IS MY FIRST GROW I HAVE 2 VISION WHITE WIDOW AUTO FEM GOING AND ONE LIBERTY HAZE REGULAR GOING. All 3 are exactly 29 days old. they were started for 21days under 8- 23watt cfls for 24hours a day and then moved under 1-600watt MH Conversion bulb for 18/6. all 3 were started in FOXFARM LITE WARRIOR THEN TRANSPLANTED IN A MIX OF 1/3 lite warrior and the rest OCEAN FOREST soil. THE 2 WW AUTOS ARE IN 5gallon pots and the regular liberty haze is currently in a 1 gallon pot. I was told to put the AUTOS in big pots from the get-go cuz they don't like being transplanted. THey have all been fed only 2 times so far with Big BLOOM.. First time was 2 1/2 teaspoons per gallon then next time was PH straight water and then the 3rd time was 3 teaspoons per gallon Big Bloom. ( Big Bloom calls for 6 tsp per gallon thought that would be to much so I gave them wat I said) THe problem I am having is the plants seemed to really slow down growing. They were growing fast before and now they almost stoped. The tops of the plants (only the WW Autos) look like they got burned a little (see pictures) ( the new leaves coming out the little ones by the hairs , the tips are twisting and look like they are drying out) its only happening to a few of the tops on both plants... it started when I first moved them into the room with the 600watt MH.. THe hood is air cooled and I first had it 18in away from the tops. then when I noticed the problem I raised it to 25in from the tops. The reason why I think they were getting burned is cuz the other liberty haze plant I have going in there also got some heat stress when I first moved them in there. 2 of the upper leaves started curling up all around the edges. And since got better and is growing fine... BUT I REALLY DONT KNOW WHAT THE PROBLEM IS... PLEASE HELP ANYONE IF U KNOW WHAT THE PROBLEM COULD BE.. I AM A FIRST TIME GROWER AND DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO... I AM worrying cuz they started budding and now it seems like they stopped or really slowed down. before I could see a difference in the pplants everytime I went into the room and now its like nothing is happening. PLEASE LOOK AT MY PICS AND SEE WHAT U THINK IT MITE BE... I ALWAYS PH MY WATER TO 5.9 - 6.1 and I checked my run off 2 weeks ago and it was 6.4...


The tips of the leaves are twisted alittle and they look like they are dry and also look alittle crispy... I don't know?? ive read where people say that they can put their 600watt light 12in away cuz they are air cooled??? I started it at 18in and I think that is why it happended to the tops of the plants?? I don't know I raised it to 25in now.... but I do know that the plants seem to have stopped growing.. CAN THEY STOP GROWING FROM LIGHTBURN??? OR COULD IT BE SOMETHING ELSE THAT BURNED THEM AND STOPPED THEM FROM GROWING??? PLEASE ANYONE THAT CAN HELP PLEASE DO!!!!! THEY STARTED TO BUD AND NOW THEY STOPED....... PLEASE HELP IM GONNA NEED MY MEDS!!! THANK U


Well-Known Member
usually around week 2 of flowering it seems like they stopped but they are just switching modes and producing thc now


usually around week 2 of flowering it seems like they stopped but they are just switching modes and producing thc now
IT IS AROUND WEEK 2 OF BUDDING FOR THEM... SEE I DIDNT KNOW THAT THEY STOP GROWING THEN WHEN THEY R SWITCHING MODES THANK YOU!!!! But why do the leaves look like that? they r twisting at the tips and look crispy dry? also I havnt fed them any budding nutes yet only foxfarm big bloom to start... I was planning on going by their soil schedule (are u familiar with it) since these are autos what week should I start feeding them on from the schedule? since they are budding now? week 5? Thank u in advance


it is around week 2 of budding for them... See i didnt know that they stop growing then when they r switching modes thank you!!!! But why do the leaves look like that? They r twisting at the tips and look crispy dry? Also i havnt fed them any budding nutes yet only foxfarm big bloom to start... I was planning on going by their soil schedule (are u familiar with it) since these are autos what week should i start feeding them on from the schedule? Since they are budding now? Week 5? Thank u in advance


Well-Known Member
to much light .....white tips

the time table on autos are only correct if u are a green thumb done this billion time grower we are not u need to add 2 to 4 weeks on to any time table u may have

first off stop feeding it and go to water ..........what ever water it has in there now leave it alone for 2 days then give it plain clean water .......2 days later add in 1 tsp of the grow mix with 2 tsp of the bloom ........if u have bud candy/beastie bloom/etc ......add in half the amount to a gallon ( this is your fall back mix during veggie to flower change) ...when it is in full flower go half mix( this is flower mix if u see it streching add in tsp of grow ) and at the point u see mutli flowers forming and getting bigger u move the mix near full str and keep a eye for nurt burn ...........u are using orgainc soil with chemical nutreints make sure u feed the little micro buddies in the soil

to keep it happy u feed it 2 time then u go with 1 watering of clean PHed water....then 2 feedings
since u have chemicals u have to worry about salt build up in soil if u notice all leaves to slowly yellow .....u need to flush your soil out as soon as u can

u need to add little more P to your mix as it is now that dark green is not right it should be a little lighter a guy told me i needed some and bam it well i am happy happy happy


to much light .....white tips

the time table on autos are only correct if u are a green thumb done this billion time grower we are not u need to add 2 to 4 weeks on to any time table u may have

first off stop feeding it and go to water ..........what ever water it has in there now leave it alone for 2 days then give it plain clean water .......2 days later add in 1 tsp of the grow mix with 2 tsp of the bloom ........if u have bud candy/beastie bloom/etc ......add in half the amount to a gallon ( this is your fall back mix during veggie to flower change) ...when it is in full flower go half mix( this is flower mix if u see it streching add in tsp of grow ) and at the point u see mutli flowers forming and getting bigger u move the mix near full str and keep a eye for nurt burn ...........u are using orgainc soil with chemical nutreints make sure u feed the little micro buddies in the soil

to keep it happy u feed it 2 time then u go with 1 watering of clean PHed water....then 2 feedings
since u have chemicals u have to worry about salt build up in soil if u notice all leaves to slowly yellow .....u need to flush your soil out as soon as u can

u need to add little more P to your mix as it is now that dark green is not right it should be a little lighter a guy told me i needed some and bam it well i am happy happy happy
THE TIPS ARNT WHITE THEY JUST LOOK like that in the pics.... they are twisting that is what you are seeing.... I also thought that is was light burn but now im thinking they got burned alittle with nutes and I just checked my run off and the ph was 5.3!!!!! so I flushed them last 2 gallons I used ph"d water of 6.5 do u think that is good??? and is it normal for the plants to look droopy after a flush??? Also my lights are aircooled 600watt how far do u think they should be??? THANK U SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR ADVICE!!! I AM NEW AT THIS AND REALLY NEEDED IT!!!!


Well-Known Member
droopy is right u over watered the hell out of it will take 3 to 5 days to perk back up sounds like u had nutrient lock do to the low soil ph this point take a pic and then look at it a week later to be sure

the nick name is amish fucker for the tube to for later
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Well-Known Member
I've seen the same thing with photo-period plants. It's my opinion that the leaves change as the plant goes into flower....and that's what you're seeing. As far as the stopped growth....I dunno.....I'm having my own challenges with autos at the moment.


i am guessing u are a happy happy happy man
Why do u say that im a happy man???? LoL I would be happy if I won 20million lotto!!!! THATS when id be HAPPY!!!!!!!!! LOL Hey BUt Thanks for the help uve givin me... I have a ??? for u How much does it cost monthly to run a 600watt light at 18/6??? this is my first grow... Id like to know a rough estimate cuz im about to fire up the other one that I have....


Well-Known Member
Electrical rates greatly vary and where running that light may cost $20 a month in one location, it could cost $50 in another. I'm guessing my grow room with 3 T5 HO's (four bulbs each) and my 400W HPS, and fans cost me about $30 a month.


Well-Known Member
man i know to much crap

here u go

this is cents a kw hour....find where u are and figure u are using fans lights and any ac.................. 2 kw a hour .................this is a over guess so u except it higher but comes in lower and u are happy thing


babies 086.jpgbabies 088.jpgbabies 091.jpgbabies 092.jpg Here is an Update on the girls!! I flushed them like I said they needed it! they since started growing again!!!!!!!!!!!!! But the tops still look crispy and twisting a little ???? I havvnt fed them anything besides the ph'd water from the flush?? I had a fan ocalating around the room on medium setting so what I did today was moved it so they don't get any direct blowing on them.. I was told that could be whats making the new growth on the tops look like that??? what do u guys think???