Need help picking seeds


Well-Known Member
Heres the deal, my wifes fathers day gift to me was the opp. to order some seeds.:hump: I'm going to go thru either the attd. seed bank or nirvana. The prob. is for a few years now i have been growing just bag seed and to be honest I dont have a clue as too whats a good product and whats not. I know I want a sativa, been on the couch stoned for toooo long, I want something up lifting, with a good yield.

Any help would you all could give would be great.


Well-Known Member
lots of people use attitude, but I reccomend nirvana-shop for your first order. Good genetics/germination rates, cheap, stealth shipping, what more can you ask for. They have great support and will resend your seeds if there are any problems shipping/germinating.

If your looking for a good sativa hybrid, I would take a look at nirvana's Super Skunk or or Haze #1.

Edit: I'm growing nirvana's Pure Power Plant right now, all 10 beans germinated and they are all growing strong.


Well-Known Member
never grown it but i've smoked it once or twice. real sticky but the flavor is pretty harsh

Edit: it was actually NYCD i smoked, not sure what the diff. is


Just got our nirvana order in. We went with AK-48, ICE and Snow White, mainly because all of which are supposed to be easy to grow. Planted 12 (4 of each) and all 12 germinated. Service from Nirvana was great and we received our order in less than a week... hope that helps....