Need help identifying. Please help


Well-Known Member
Never encountered one of these before and need help identifying it. The past 4 days i have been seeing a single one of these of one of my seedlings. The seedlings are in my "office" next to my room which hasnt really been sanitized i just had to make a spot for them quickly. This is the first time i have used bagged coco instead of coco bricks. Not sure if that may be why im getting them. Help is greatly appreciated!IMG_20150626_070131.jpg


Well-Known Member
Dermestidae its the only thing I could find close to that bug. Beetles low, 1-12 mm. The body is usually a compact round shape, covered with dense hairs or scales, dark color. Their antennae are short, buožiškos, įguldomos to a special furrow. The head is included in the prothorax. Forehead, most species have ordinary Radio antennas. you can look it up and see what you think. GL