Need help identifying pests


Well-Known Member
I looked at my veg plants today and found these little critters crawling around. Can aIMG_20140717_150239.jpg nybody help me determine what they are and what course of action I should take?


Well-Known Member
It looks like some sort of thrip to me. Have you noticed any damage/changes on your leaves?


like these

if it's thrips, I use spinosad
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Well-Known Member
Ugh, I thought thrips initially but never had bugs so I wasnt sure and now im kinda freakibg out. I had a little of this left over and give them a good spraying top and bottom side of leaves.



Well-Known Member
DEFINATELY thrips larvae you're seeing on your leaves there.

Blue sticky traps attrack them.

SPINOSAD is most sincerely the way to go.

MONTERAY garden insect spray


Are 2 products I've used before.

A misting to your mediums surface is also advised as is the customary leaves top and bottom.

3 days apart with sprays.

SPINOSAD is OMRI listed.

Another much less organic approach is HOT SHOTS NO PEST STRIPS but be warned they are carcinogenic due to the active ingredient dichlorvos.

It breaks down quickly though in oxygen.

Its advised to turn off extraction during hot shots treatment to be most effective.
