Need help guys.. Once again.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
:weed:Alright look. I dont have dedicated ventilation system so Im going to be pump a 4inch & 6inch exhaust out a window.
How would you guys go about that without any suspision and make it air tight so the window isnt open.
Anyone know of a way to go about this?
+Rep for resolution! Thanks RIU! :joint:


Couldn't u just vent it out the roof or beside the window and add a dryer vent for looks outside? just a thought not sure if u have to use the window

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Couldn't u just vent it out the roof or beside the window and add a dryer vent for looks outside? just a thought not sure if u have to use the window
I live in a apartment.. Can't be cutting new holes or going up or down. In between people lmFAO!
Anyways... How would I go about that with the window. My only option here.


Well-Known Member
just build an exhaust box out of plywood. size it so that it fits perfectly into the window when it is cracked open. pain the inside black so that it can't be seen from outside. then just use flanges to connect the ducting to the box. use tape to seal any light leaks ofr gaps from the construction of the box.


Well, is the window facing a area that people will see? if not ply wood with a 6inch hole and maybe paint it so its not so noticeable lol good luck bro! i live in the woods so no prob with that


Well-Known Member
build a box that is open on 1 side. have it sit in your window like an a/c unit would but with the open side facing the window. use the window the lock it down in place. paint the inside of the box black so it doesn't show anything from outside. then ucut circular holes for the ducting from the fans. attach flanges to the box to attach the ducting to.
If you look up info on portable A/C's, they have a piece that fits into the window, and the window shuts on it, the same as that fan. Then it would just look like you had a portable A/C. They usually have 1 or 2 openings approx. 4" in diameter. You would just need to make sure it is light-proof, and has some sort of carbon filter for smell.


Active Member
I suggest a piece of plywwood with holes cut out to fit the ducting. This way if u only want ur window open 10" u cut the ply 10". You can also do this with cardboard, but cardboard will allow cold air in. You can also use the cardboard for a trial run, that way u can experiment with wat u want, and when u make ur decision, the final product can be plywood. They make hole saws that will cut these dimentions and attach to a cordless drill. Good luck! They also sell a foam insulation that is between an inch or two thick that is easy to tack on the ply. You can paint the outside of the ply and use dryer vents in the holes of the ply. This way u will be able to attach the ducting. I dont see this costing more than $30. I would almost use that double window fan as a front. You could glue ar attach the plywood with the dryervents already attached, and booya. No one knows unless they walk by. For smell, u can take cheese cloth put coffee grinds in between the cheese cloth, take the cheese cloth and put in the ducting, then attach the ducting to ur ply or watever u are using for the window. I hope u understand this, I do not type well
If flowering plants for 12 hours, chances are that the light will be on in the room when it is dark outside. It might arouse suspicion have a light shining so bright inside the room, and visible through the fan. Also in the winter no one would have a window fan in, and would probably drop the temp in the room. Better to do a little work and be safer, rather than sorry.