Need Help Getting Started


im a novice grower but i have a basic understanding of plants. im germinating a few seeds now that will be done in the next 2-3 days hopefully. i have a few questions though.

1. Do i have to use sterilized soil?
2. how do i prepare the BEST soil? (any tips on this would be very helpful)
3. how much nitrogen should i give my little plant during the veg stage and how do i measure it?
-how much phosphate do i feed the plant and at which stage?
4. is it safe to use worms in my larger potted plants even if im light feeding my plant outside?
5. after germination, how much dark time (night of course) is safe for the plants?
6. When is the flushing stage and how do i do it?

Im gonna be asking alot more q's so thanks for all the help!