Need help finding what all nutes i will need when using the GH Flora series?


I am going to be doing a manual hydroponic grow (there might be a term for this but if so i havent heard it yet), meaning i will not be using any type of hydroponics system. Just feeding and watering multiple times each day myself. I have decided to go the GH Flora series route and am going to be growing in coco or coco/rockwool mix. I have seen several people going the same route as me and they always said there nutes were GH and friends. Since i will be using coco i know that i will have to get some Cal/Mag but thats about the extent of what i know to use. I have found this GH FloraKleen Flush. Is this product needed to flush my babies 2 weeks before harvest or is flushing with water just as good? I know i might could do more research and find these awnsers but I just would rather have expert opinions from you guys and not waste money on things I do not need. Thanks ahead of time.


Ursus marijanus
Imo the basics (the three Flora formulae) will do. Some extra cal-mag shouldn't hurt, but folks have gotten good results without.

Also my opinion: you will be doing yourself and your plants a big favor using some sort of automation. Ebb&flow is simple and effective, and I for one would much enjoy the "covered" feeling knowing that the feed schedule doesn't wholly depend on my memory. Have you considered the humble, versatile bubble bucket?
cheers 'neer


Imo the basics (the three Flora formulae) will do. Some extra cal-mag shouldn't hurt, but folks have gotten good results without.

Also my opinion: you will be doing yourself and your plants a big favor using some sort of automation. Ebb&flow is simple and effective, and I for one would much enjoy the "covered" feeling knowing that the feed schedule doesn't wholly depend on my memory. Have you considered the humble, versatile bubble bucket?
cheers 'neer
It's not that expensive to set up an ebb and flow system or some type of auto system is it? And i have help from another if i do go the manual route but you are still right it would be nice to feel "covered".