Need Help designing 10x10 4000 watt grow room.


Well-Known Member
Are you always this antisocial or are you on something besides pot?
Antisocial? Not me. Today I've help more people then you pissed off. I've even offered to go work on there rooms for free as long as I dont drive over 1hour each way. I just don't like bitches that don't hold up to what they say. This meaning you. So no I'm not antisocial. I just font like you.


Rebel From The North
Dam geting heated up in here!

Im going to side with warlock! Dudes not about bs and helps more than unruly trolls


Well-Known Member
I'm venting the A/C to the tent. You couldn't see the A/C is in a window? You just jumped to conclusions. Your typing is getting worse, are you drunk?


Well-Known Member
Not drunk yet. But working on it. An no you didn't make it clear till now. Any body that talks to me knows I don't think highly of myself. If I talk I know what I'm talking about. I failed doing it or it worked. But working in 1 room dosnt mean it works in another. I've done closet to open room. From small vented rooms to large CGE rooms. 20 years under my belt. You have seen me next to Jorge and at harborside. But guess I'm still a new grower


Well-Known Member
As a tip you want the intake of the AC coming from the tent. The back(heat) needs dumped away. A window AC only displaces 1/8 of the intake air as exoust. But sucks in air from the back heating it to melt the coils ice. And out the back. So your box is only working at half of what it could. And I'm bring nice.


Well-Known Member
I looked and passed it on in this thread. But not right if it's for the front. That box needs to be in the back. Trust me. I've Tryed it all.


Well-Known Member
Fine by me. I prefer to get along. I put the A/C in the window because 1)wouldn't need a drain 2)window is in street view, a vent coming out would be seen and 3)A/C was already in window. The A/C worked too well. I think. It would come on and run like 3-5 minutes and stop. My hygrometer was shit and didn't know how high the humidity was until I got a new one. 95%! I now just vent the tent to the rest of the house. So I can't use co2. System went from drinking 2-3 gallons/day to 5 gallons/day.


Well-Known Member
Let me work this up. I'll match it to what I have done. How big is the tent? And what light. That is realy all I need.

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
you have to stop taking everything i say as a suggestion. you are nowhere near large enough to need an air handler. i was just sharing some cool applications with you. you don't need to vent your hoods out of the room either with an 18,000-24,000btu minisplit. if you are going to keep them in the air cooled hoods then you should at least vent the hoods into the room. that heat trapped in the hood will reduce bulb life and make your a/c work harder to keep up because you will have higher temps under the hood than normal. if you wanna go bare bulb then just get some batwing reflectors. they are super cheap anyway.

don't get an environmental controller in my opinion. most of them aren't designed for the motor loads that a/c units and dehumidifiers have. plus, you won't be able to hook up a minisplit to it. better off just getting a controller for your Co2 and that's it. the a/c will have it's own thermostat and the dehumidifier will have it's own hygrometer. if anything, i would still go with the 4 600's. they are more efficient than 1000's and will give you more options as far as plant footprint design. plus you could do 2 on each side and just offset them by 1 month. that way you get a harvest every month instead of every 2 months. if you go with 2 1000's then you won't need a 2 ton a/c. probably only a 1.5 ton. maybe even only a 1 ton. you could get the 2 ton if you plan on going bigger in the future. get dial-a-watt ballasts and use them at 1000w for now. if you decide to go bigger in the future you just get 2
more and dial them all to 600w and pick up some 600w bulbs.
I dont grow with 600 watters. I just never have. I always use 1000 watters and i love them so. also thanks for your advice for me to downsize my future plans but that is not going to happen either. I do this for a living and not as a hobby, (4) 600 watts doesnt cut the mustard bro.


Well-Known Member
Tent is 54"W X 96"L X 79"H, 2 X 600w HID + 2 X 100w LED. HIDs currently vented to second window w/6" ducting. Tent vented by 6" inline centrifical fan, pulling thru carbon filter. Rent the house so I can't put holes in walls or ceiling. A/C is 5,200 BTU, also have central air.


Well-Known Member
I dont grow with 600 watters. I just never have. I always use 1000 watters and i love them so. also thanks for your advice for me to downsize my future plans but that is not going to happen either. I do this for a living and not as a hobby, (4) 600 watts doesnt cut the mustard bro.
just trying to be helpful man. if you do this for a living you'd know the footprint of a 1000w is around 5x5. so basically 4 of them will cover your entire room in light. to me that is a complete waste. 600's would give you just as much penetration in the plants you are growing and be a lot more efficient. plus, you'll be able to keep the plants closer to the lights which means taller plants. not sure how big you plan on going with the plants though.

but go for it man. if you like 1000's then go with 1000's. i would just rather not spend the extra money on equipment and electricity from the lights, fans, and ac running all that time unless i was actually getting buds for it. no offense, but i don't need to light up the entire room with HPS bulbs just to prove i'm a grower and waste money.

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
just trying to be helpful man. if you do this for a living you'd know the footprint of a 1000w is around 5x5. so basically 4 of them will cover your entire room in light. to me that is a complete waste. 600's would give you just as much penetration in the plants you are growing and be a lot more efficient. plus, you'll be able to keep the plants closer to the lights which means taller plants. not sure how big you plan on going with the plants though.

but go for it man. if you like 1000's then go with 1000's. i would just rather not spend the extra money on equipment and electricity from the lights, fans, and ac running all that time unless i was actually getting buds for it. no offense, but i don't need to light up the entire room with HPS bulbs just to prove i'm a grower and waste money.

your right dude... I left out some important details.... The room itself will be at least 12x12 ft. It could be 12x14. But the space i want to grow in is a 10x10 area. right now i use a 10x8 ft area in a 1 br apartment. Im going to be moving to a 3 or 4 bedroom house out there on at least an acre. And seriously i wanna go as big as i can without looking suspicious. I figured 4000 watts would be good. But now that im thinking about it i could probably make it a 6000 watt grow room eventually. Especially since i will be buying a mini split and they conserve way more power than these pos portable ac's that i been using.


Well-Known Member
Tent is 54"W X 96"L X 79"H, 2 X 600w HID + 2 X 100w LED. HIDs currently vented to second window w/6" ducting. Tent vented by 6" inline centrifical fan, pulling thru carbon filter. Rent the house so I can't put holes in walls or ceiling. A/C is 5,200 BTU, also have central air.
Ok. Looking at the box and the size of the tent I see a few things wrong. Don't get mad I did it the same way at first. The reason your AC only was staying on for a few minutes is you gave it only about 1.5 square feet to cool. (the box) you need to build another one. This time you need to make it in 2 parts. First one covering the vents that blow the cold air out. Duct that to the tent mid hight and by your fan moving air in the tent. Keep the duct as short as you can. The second section needs to cover the intake of the AC. This is where the filter screen is. That should be duct to the tent. Other side from the intake if you can. And have that around light hight. This will create a loop. The AC should have enough power to pull the hot air thru the duct to it's intake. Then it will cool that air blowing it back to the tent. But you might need to add a boost fan. There cheep and low cfm. And you only need air pushing to the AC intake. This will increase the AC working but it will be working right. And when your in flower some smell will get out the back. Found that target has some cheep carbon filters for air purifiers. You will have to cut them to fit. But you can add them to the intake screen of the AC. Replace every 4 weeks of flower and you should be good. Dose that make sence? If it dose you will see major improvement. Also if you can use insalated duct for the cold air blowing to the tent.


Well-Known Member
HR there are many different units. Starting at 1 wall mount all the way to 8 or 10. Maybe more. they are made for each room of a house. And alot more energy saving then central air. If your not in the room why cool it? My next house will have the big unit for that reason and would have units for the grow.