Need Help Choosing a Vap


Ok so in a few months I'm going to come across a good ammount of money, and I'll probably be smoking more since I've got an appartment lined up with a buddy even if the classes next semester are hard I'm sure I'll be blazin a lot haha. So I don't like smoking anything, I just quit tobacco a few weeks back, and i'm trying to save my lungs and whatnot.
So my pricerange, I'm not 100% on, but I couldn't see myself spending any more than $250 on one.
I'd like something I could bring to friends house, so not too massive so if their parents are home or something I can easily fit it in a backpack without looking suspicious. I'll be smoking mostly in groups, and am not really looking fora portable vap cus it's not practical in party situations from what I'm told, you run out batteries fast and you can't put a lot of weed inside so unlike what I'd like to believe, it's not like a little electric joint you can pass around.
I'd like one that has a bag so you can pass it around easy, no chord in the way, also you can smoke in the shower which is awesome haha. But if there aren't any in my price range oh well I guess.
Ones I've been looking at right now are HotBox, price seems right, but I don't like that it literally heats up a lot, that'd be a pain in the ass probs. Silver surfer, but seems a little high end and pricey. Volcano vap, but from what I'm told they run like 500-600 bucks unless i'm wrong. And a good warranty and customer service is always a plus.

So i was just hoping I could get some suggestions and insight since I'm fairly new to the whole vaporizer thing.

Thanks guys,



Nice that's awesome! Seems almost too good to be true but they've got good feedback so I'll defnitely be putting that into heavy consideration. Thanks much!