Need help!!! Be a life saver will yu.


Well-Known Member
mite be worth trying if you gone smoke more then 4 grams or strong and try to pass a piss test. even after 30 days clean


Well-Known Member
It's not a thing to constantly buy but just when you think you might not pass, go grab a bottle.


Well-Known Member
question 1)ok so i've been off of bud for about 6 weeks now. i jus got on probation about 2 weeks ago and i started to clean up 4 weeks b4 i went to court so i'd be sorta ready for if i get tested when i went to go c my p.o (new i'd get probation) i dont c her again for another 2 weeks & after i do i'll have been 8 weeks clean. my prob is that i wanna start bac smoking on 4:20 and smoke about a gram of dank that day & everyother month after. lik around 6:20, 8:20 & so forth keeping about 8 weeks inbetween smoke days. im about 5'9 135-140 (slim). i no its not a sure answer to dis so im jus looking for input 4 the most part. so my ? is do yu think i'll test + 30 days for my last smoke only smoking 1 gram of dank every 60 days??? i kno sorta wired put thats my ?

question 2) got a friend who buy's 15 gram half's for $250. the bud is deff the dankest in/around the A thats for sure bt i still say that alot even for some strong kush. could yu guy's tell me/us how much do you/would you pay for 15 g's. w/o any hook up's or growing your own or knowing someone dat grow's. just the avg prices in/around your city

thanks ppl's 4 all the help!

man fuck that probation shit.

i was on probation,,gettin tested and had a cerfew and shit..

but i had enough of it , i told my p.o

to activate my sentence , i did my little 9-mounths

now im free and clear no probation , no fines , and noooo piss test

ass holes just want to check your dick out.

do your time and get it over with...

i know it sucks doing any time ,

but you feel so much better when its over..

damn $250 for a half..

im out right now of all my shit

but last july i was selling 1/2 oz of widow for $150.....:peace:


Well-Known Member
a few mon's i c bt i'd be doing at least 3 yr's dude so dats not gonna happen. and 150 for a 1/2 o of ww. must of not been to strong cuz i wouldnt do any lower den $175-200 my self for some real dank ww.