need help asap


whats wrong im using waterfarm with air stone in res and 23 watt 5000k cfl 2 inches away from 6 inch clone
in res im using floraseries: micro 2.5ml a gal, bloom 2.5ml a gal, grow 2.5ml a gal, rapid start 2.5mls a gal botanicare calmag plus 3ml a gal, superthrive 5 drops in total ppm@450 distiled water hp 5.5- 6.1 but try to keep it at 5.5 goes up in 4 hours, ppm goes up a lil daily aroun 10 ppm, fresh air 4 times a day, temp@ 69. had spider mites got them coverd yesterday with ecosmart spray.....


Well-Known Member
agreed with swag.

i would dump your rez out and just give ph 5.8 water for a few days.

if your ppm is going up daily..that means she is just drinking water.

if your roots are in the water then i would lose the drip ring..imho.


Well-Known Member
If your PH is going from 5.5 to 6.1 in 4 hours, I'd start looking there. With a higher ppm like that your ph shouldn't fluctuate. Bacteria, algae, or the hydroton.
Did you rinse, and PH the hydroton before you used it?
Your ph should only rise a point, or two in 24 hours.


I did rinse ph is stabilizing but now I just have that plant looking like that should I just plant it in dirt or how can I fix this besides fresh ph water only


Well-Known Member
ph swing as theres no background buffer in distilled water you could try adding 10-20% tap water


Ok but what can I do about the plant curling is it nutrient burn doesn't look like it ain't the tips supposed to turn yellow or white


Well-Known Member
It dont look like burn as there so rams horning i think its just ph speckle

Time is the only cure now


Well-Known Member
use a 2 part as 3 part complicate things if new green dream is a very good 1 part but avoid ionic

let the ph drift so set at 5.8 and only correct if it goes .3 out from there
you need more light


Well-Known Member
2 part hydroponic formulas a & b canna aqua, vita link 2 part etc

I have seen a few growers go from 2 part to ionic and they have had issues thats why I said that don't know if they have improved the formula in the last 3 years though


New Member
Try dynagro cheap and one part everything nute... I swear by them so far.

You can buy two bottles of this compared to other expensive brands that don't work anywhere near as well.


Well-Known Member
although i haven't tried Dyna-Grow yet..i am in big favor for a 1 bottle grow and bloom solution.

for my last several grows ive been using GH Flora Nova Grow/Bloom.

1 bottle for each,and ive been happy with my only complaint with it has been that my nutrient solution isn't clear..depending on the ppm its kinda brownish,but my roots are fairly white..least the new roots are..we all know that older roots tend to discolor a bit.


My plant is now dying evey time I try to correct the problem it has no effect this is number 3 failure and in week3 like the rest


Well-Known Member
Try dynagro cheap and one part everything nute... I swear by them so far.

You can buy two bottles of this compared to other expensive brands that don't work anywhere near as well.
It's a 1-part from beginning to end? Or one part for veg and one part for flower?