Need Help ASAP


Active Member
So I made these brownie cookie bites. I made 8 sticks of butter using 1.5 oz of the dankest U.K cheese to be exact. I let the mixture simmer on low heat for about an hr. Let it cool off and began cooking. The ingredients called for .5 stick of butter per dish I.e cookie and brownie. So one stick total. We whipped about 48 brownie bites. We ate two each and didn't feel a thing. The kicker is I bought brownie bites from a dispensary the other day ate one and got so high I wanted to come down which never happens. Some master chef please help give me a killer mix or something


Well-Known Member
Simple math. you start with 1 1/2 oz of bud split it up 8 ways = 5 1/4 grams per 1/2 cup,
you further cut down the dose 2 cups = 10 1/2 grams divided by 48 = .21875 of a gram per bite.

When I do mine I make 4 cubes real butter and add 1-2 cubes Margin and 2 ozs. of bud
I crock pot it for 10 hours. Split it up 4 ways and store.
Comes out like this.
recipe calls for 1/2 cup (1 cube) and makes 12 brownies
1 brownie = 1.67 grams.
I eat 1, I'm OK, @ 2 I'm like in space.


Active Member
Hell ya.that seems like its gonna work thanks I'm gonna try it when I get home.from Sunday