Need awnsers Asap!!!!


Well-Known Member
hi im working on a new grow room trying to do pretty much an identical thing to this Hi-Tech Garden Supply however i cant get the ventalation fan the exact same but i can get a 6 inch 150mm one is that gunna work ???


Well-Known Member
just so long as u got some airflow in ur grow then ur good, and the temps stay low enough. but you could have airflow goin in, and some airflow goin out, this would give ur plants fresh air throughout the day


Well-Known Member
ye i just wanna make sure i have enough ventalation the last thing i want is to wake up to find my plants dead from the heat of the light


Well-Known Member
hi if u actually read my first post it states trying to do the exact same thing yet my second post states im trying to do identical thing but with my closet and im wondering how much vent equiptment id need to vent a 600 watt hps please read the whole thread before typing


Well-Known Member
wtf r u an idiot first post states that i cant find anywhere to get a 4" and i dont think a 4" inline is gunna be usable when the ducting i have is 6" unlike u i cant just go on to all the sites like and Cheap Hydroponics - Discount Supplier of Indoor Gardening and Hydroponic Supplies as im in australia and many of the sites dont ship to australia and the ones that do charge a shitload of $$$ for shipping and theres no hydro store newhere near me so i have only 2 places to get the equiptment ebay or the garden centre in earlwood so excuse me for not having as much access to equiptment as u and most other growers do and again excuse me for wanting to grow some bud i really dont need your fuking bullshit ok im not in the mood so i wouldnt fukn start ull just end up losing(sorry if this offends any other growers im just sick of this asshole)


Well-Known Member
Dude just go for the 6 inch it will be fine and the extra money will be worth it as oyu know the heat from the light will be pulled away from the plants. Just make sure the heat pulled away from the light is put out of the same room of the plants as if you dont there is no point in the fan.After that man i would invest in another fan to bring air in as mentioned and another fan in the room to keep it circulating as you cant count on the fan pulling the air out to do all the work.just some few suggestions and hope all goes well.
damn australia sounds nice man always wanted to bad about the shipping bro.


Well-Known Member
if you a Home Improvement store over their you can checkout Bathroom Exhaust fans, I haven't looked deep into it but I'm kicking around using one in the future.

If you use one keep us posted because that will save me time in the future if you figure out if it will work or not.