Need advice


And figured this would be the sub forum to ask it on. And I apologize in advance if this turns into a wall of text...

I have the option of moving with my fiance when her parents move to Oregon this summer. I wouldn't have a problem getting a MMJ card, but would getting licensed hurt my chances for employment? I understand employers can choose to be drug-free and refuse to hire whether or not you have the card. And could getting licensed be used against me were I to move back to my home state some time later? My work experience and degrees lean more toward emergency medicine.

Just how pot friendly is Oregon? Namely Roseburg. Any input would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Well they would not know you had our card unless you told them, which you do not have to. However like with any job you may have to take pre-employment UA. However there are ways around that. I personally use this stuff called quick fix, and have never failed a UA using it. It's not like that stuff you take with water wait two hours do this , do that stuff that never works. This is synthetic urine that is used to calibrate their equipment. Just keep in next to your body so it say at the correct temp, and squeeze into the cup, and your done.


Well-Known Member
Oregon is a very green state with about 56%of the population using marijuana but as a retired nurse your better off not telling your employer you have a card.Just fake the urine test and be on your way.


Well they would not know you had our card unless you told them, which you do not have to. However like with any job you may have to take pre-employment UA. However there are ways around that. I personally use this stuff called quick fix, and have never failed a UA using it. It's not like that stuff you take with water wait two hours do this , do that stuff that never works. This is synthetic urine that is used to calibrate their equipment. Just keep in next to your body so it say at the correct temp, and squeeze into the cup, and your done.
Waste of money. They don't work anymore. Maybe if you're tested by a shitty lab with equipment from the 90's. I nearly lost my job. It is very easy to tweak the test to check for a lesser common metabolite, urea or whatever they want. You will not pass. There are literally so few jobs in Oregon that I wouldn't waste it on a "quick fix". Labs will report "Abnormal Physical Characteristics" which is a conditional failure. It takes more than a simple temp, pH, yellow color, specific gravity, etc. Point being: sober up or find clean piss or find another job. Quickfix fails. Google it.


Well-Known Member
Waste of money. They don't work anymore. Maybe if you're tested by a shitty lab with equipment from the 90's. I nearly lost my job. It is very easy to tweak the test to check for a lesser common metabolite, urea or whatever they want. You will not pass. There are literally so few jobs in Oregon that I wouldn't waste it on a "quick fix". Labs will report "Abnormal Physical Characteristics" which is a conditional failure. It takes more than a simple temp, pH, yellow color, specific gravity, etc. Point being: sober up or find clean piss or find another job. Quickfix fails. Google it.
Thats funny because it has NEVER failed me ever. I have taken 4 UA's with it and passed, and just recently I know two people passed within this year at Golden State Foods ( Which is the supplier for McDonalds, and many other big chains up in Washington, and one other just got a job at Pepsi using it.


Well-Known Member
Outside if the piss test...I can get you clean urine if your in Portland
They can not access the card holder records


Thats funny because it has NEVER failed me ever. I have taken 4 UA's with it and passed, and just recently I know two people passed within this year at Golden State Foods ( Which is the supplier for McDonalds, and many other big chains up in Washington, and one other just got a job at Pepsi using it.
If all they check is cannabanoid metabolites, pH, specific gravity and temp, it's easy. Go for it! If for instance a company gives a damn and sends it to anyone that checks well enough to be insured driving or operating actual equipment it simply will not pass. There is a big difference between my buddy using it at the local mill which only dips a test strip and my job which sends it to a lab to be analyzed. He passed, BUT if he get's hurt he's been told it will go to the same lab that tested me.


Well-Known Member
Borrow or buy some clean urine. If your a nurse or an EMT they're going to test it at a real lab and not just with a dip stick, I know because I live in Oregon and am a retired RN and attorney. You've got to use the real thing. Also there are residency requirements for getting a card.
Can someone tell me how much paperwork I need to take in ? I have my chart notes from my last two orthopedic back doctor appointments as well as my MRI report . If I ask for my records from the nurse practioner's office I go to, they will make me take a UA. They are really against people with cards and tell you if you're getting your own medication, you don't need to have medicine prescribed to you. They have a big sign up that they have the right to UA anyone who comes in there for medical care.
I have prescriptions that I need, so I don't want them getting suspicious.

do you think my orthopedic records are going to be enough?


Can someone tell me how much paperwork I need to take in ? I have my chart notes from my last two orthopedic back doctor appointments as well as my MRI report . If I ask for my records from the nurse practioner's office I go to, they will make me take a UA. They are really against people with cards and tell you if you're getting your own medication, you don't need to have medicine prescribed to you. They have a big sign up that they have the right to UA anyone who comes in there for medical care.
I have prescriptions that I need, so I don't want them getting suspicious.

do you think my orthopedic records are going to be enough?
Yeah, the last thing you need is to end up in some immoral "pain contract" where they are UAing you...pisses me off so bad... *unintentional pun*

Anyways, those records may be enough. My experience was that you send your records in to the clinic and they review them and tell you if they have what they need. That would be my suggestion to you. And if the 1st place wants more, you could always try somewhere else. Sending in the records for the clinic to review didn't cost me anything. I think you are smart to avoid messing with your primary. I paid for copies of all my records and told them I just wanted to have a copy for myself.


Well-Known Member
That is unbelievable!! They make you take a piss test to get your records? Is that even legal? You can typically fax a medical records request...or have the doctor at the MJ clinic fax a request for medical records. If that doesn't work I would go see a chiropractor and have them request the records. Then get copies from the chiro

Ok, I googled it. Legally they can not deny you access to your records unless they think "it will cause harm to yourself". If you request the records, and legally you don't have to tell them why, and they don't comply, then they are legally required to issue a document stating why you were denied. You can appeal this decision with the board of health. Requests for bodily fluids often falls under search and seizure rules. There are very few instances where you are forces to pee in a cup. I have never heard of getting a copy of your records as one of those reasons.

Do your homework and be smart. Call the state and find out about local laws. Then call the clinic and inform them very politely about the legal process, your rights. Etc. I'm quite certain they will choose to just give you your records
Right, but they have a big sign up saying they have a right to UA anyone who is prescribed medication by them.
So, when people go in there and ask for their records, at their next visit to their health practitioner, they are
asked for a UA. They know when you ask for your records, you're trying to get your card.

They have never asked me for one because I look really straight and have never given them a reason to think they
need to UA me. When they ask if I use recreational drugs, of course I say no.


I doubt they can legally do that dude
They absolutely can decline to serve him if he refuses.

Clinics put people on "pain contracts" all the time. It's bullshit and immoral, but if the original poster is going somewhere with a big sign about UA's he is very correct to be concerned and be very careful about avoiding suspicion. He should not have the MMJ clinic request the records for him as that will basically be telling his primary doctor that he is getting his card. Like I said, just find an MMJ clinic that will review what you have and you should be good.