need advice

i have onei plant going in a closet using a cfl bulb and its in a box lined with foil have been giving it 24 hrs of light for the veg stage its about 5inches tall lookin healthy and luush green and already smelling im on a very tight budget any tips would b greatly appreciated

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
You kidding? Theres a TON of information out there if you dig for what you want, or do you want someone to bring it to you? You want someone to tell you how to grow or.....? Keep the bulb close, give it nitrients, not too much, not too few. Give it proper air circulation, temperature, ph of nutrients and soil. oh, one specific thing. Dont use tinfoil, better would be flat white paint, even spraypaint.


New Member
You can buy a yard light with MH/bulb for about $50 at a hardware store. I use all purpose plant food $5 gets you 300 gallons worth i think.There is a lot of talk about miracle grow being bad stuff as far as soil goes but the fertilizer is good.
ok ive been reading some other threads and a pERSON WAS concerned about purple on some of the branches, is this a bad thing cuz i have some, and if it is what does it indicate????


New Member
sometimes its just the strain sometimes its one of these:

Magnesium (Mg) deficiency: Magnesium deficiency will exhibit a yellowing (which may turn brown) and interveinal chlorosis beginning in the older leaves. The older leaves will be the first to develop interveinal chlorosis. Starting at leaf margin or tip and progressing inward between the veins....This can be quickly resolved by watering with 1 tablespoon Epsom salts/gallon of water. Until you can correct nutrient lockout, try foliar feeding. That way the plants get all the nitrogen and Mg they need. The plants can be foliar feed at ½ teaspoon/quart of Epsom salts (first powdered and dissolved in some hot water). When mixing up soil, use 2 teaspoon dolomite lime per gallon of soil.
If the starting water is above 200 ppm, that is pretty hard water, that will lock out mg with all of the calcium in the water. Either add a 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of epsom salts or lime both will effectively reduce the lockout.Mg can get locked-up by too much Ca, Cl or ammonium nitrogen. Don't overdo Mg or you'll lock up other nutrients.

Phosphorus (P) deficiency:
Fan leaves are dark green or red/purple, and may turn yellow. Leaves may curl under, go brown and die. Small-formed buds are another main symptom.
Phosphorus deficiencies exhibit slow growing, weak and stunted plants with dark green or purple pigmentation in older leaves and stems.
Some deficiency during flowering is normal, but too much shouldn't be tolerated. Red petioles and stems are a normal, genetic characteristic for many varieties, plus it can also be a co-symptom of N, K, and Mg-deficiencies, so red stems are not a foolproof sign of P-deficiency. Too much P can lead to iron deficiency.
Purpling: accumulation of anthocyanin pigments; causes an overall dark green color with a purple, red, or blue tint, and is the common sign of phosphate deficiency. Some plant species and varieties respond to phosphate deficiency by yellowing instead of purpling. Purpling is natural to some healthy ornamentals.


Well-Known Member
Could be the strain or the start of Cal/Mag Def....your plant looks good for a month and a half. You are using CFLs and it look good IMO.


thanks im new and this and want to eventually be good at it, guess i will try what nusky posted give it some nutes and see what haens i think it may be in shock right now hasd a accident yeaterday with a light falling on it


Well-Known Member
You will learn your best from your mistakes. There are lots of good peeps on here that will help. If you need anymore help feel free and PM me.


some leaves on the second newest set are curling inwards on the edges at the base and kind of at the tips, is this cuz of light burnor tyhe shockof the lighht fallingon it two days ago?? or is it normal these are the set doing it, and the have like a darkerr green going up the center.. im guessing i need more nutes iknowthat cuz im using shitty soil, imsure i have plenty of light i have two 3k cfls on it. any ideas????????