Need advice on 8000 w air cooled grow room set up


Active Member
Need advice all all equipment needed for an 8000 w Grow room , without co2. All lights would be air cooled, i have a list made up but wanted input so i dont forget anything as there is alot to get. Help me out will ya :-o


Well-Known Member
you might want to look into some Lightmovers if you are growing that big. could save a few bucks.
also its preatty hard to give advice without more information than "8000w grow". thats cinda like asking people to build you your growroom ^^
how can anyone help you if we dont know what u do and dont have on your DREAM list........if you have 8000w setup going you should not be asking this question.


Active Member
fk r the only people tha answer in these post s bend didnt want a bitch fest , just some good info from knowledgable big grow room growers u two dicks seem to be neither.

order list
light relays
60 x 15ltr pots £1.85 each = £111.00 19 x all mix £10.95 each = £197.10
flex tank 225l = £47.59
Trident ec/ph/temp = £87.50
100m black and white = £125

8 x magnum XXXL £170 each = £1360
8 x lumitek 100w £189 = £1512
8 x 1000w sunmaster £32.50

2 x 6" TT
15m of 6" acoustic ducting
1500 box fan
2500 box fan 10m 10" acoustic ducting
12" rhino 600
10" to 12" reducer

ONLY PEOPLE reply please with grow room savy and helpful idea`s, the only people that have replyed so far (YOU KNOW HE TYPE)?


Well-Known Member
Just a word to the wise, those magnums weigh 33lbs. a piece. You might want to consider getting air cooled deluxe hoods. They are almost as big 24inx31.5in. vs. 26x32, however the deluxe hoods only weigh 12lbs. I happen to own 1 magnum and 5 air cooled deluxes. No noticeable difference in production. Just a huge difference in weight and price. Here is a link to the air cooled. Good luck!!!