Need Advice, Harvest?? 60 days into flower outdoor GG#4


- My plant is a 7 foot GG#4(not sure if its real GG#4), growing it outdoor in canada north of toronto.
- Im still very new to growing, i grew last year and i had to harvest early due to molds. So basically this grow is already ahead of my last one.
- Im not sure when to harvest based of trichomes. Also lots of the leaves are yellowing and turning deep red. Some of my pistils got burned a couple weeks ago from some heavy rain and wind
- this plant started flowering around july 14th so about 60 days
-I also would like to add that the forecast for almost all of next week is raining. So im thinking of harvesting tomorrow morning before it gets light out



No you have a few weeks. Post pics when all the pistils turn Brown
ya well i harvested when i said and i have a identical plant i didnt harvest same size everything and it just got mold a 3 ish days ago thats why i harvested.... canada weather turns fast fast fast.. anyways ya i guess 3 more weeks indoors....