Need advice. Got arrested and suspended from school for dime bags with no res.


Active Member
has anyone noticed this person hasn't responded since the first reply? maybe got thrown in juvy? but he never answered the most important question, was there weed in the bags before they found them empty?


Well-Known Member
lol .. i just gave this kid advice to live and learn and got suspended from work the same day due to my own STUFUCKINPITDITY. :dunce:
being older didn't make me wiser. Live and learn right:wall:


Active Member
SAme thing happened to me years ago,Smelled like weed in class,they searched found nothing Suspened me for a pair of scissores(weapon)and a pack of smokes (I was 18)


Well-Known Member
I threatened to sued my high school . I got rated out by a so called friend...and I got searched by the ast. principal. He found a dime of weed on me. I got suspended for a week, then I was told I could not go back. I was expelled. My Mom went and got a lawyer/para legal. The school never called the cops and I was never arrested. So my para legal threatened to bring the school to meditation. The ast principal got all pissed off...LOL But they had to let me go back to school..

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Cops and school administration try to talk a big game to scare you into making statements. It all depends on what statements you made to them. I would go over their heads to the school board; plastic bags are not illegal or school contraband.

Feel free to come on back and let us know how it went.


Active Member
if you didnt have shit in the baggies then a lawyer will fix this .....BUT why the fuck would ya tote around all those damn empty baggies your local fascist indoctrination center aka school stinking like weed????????

i used to know this guy I called him feleony bags because he had a habit of keeping every little baggie of this and that in another bag in his car ... just begging for trouble..

the gov.. hates us weed heads and wanna lock us all up why make it easy for them??


Well-Known Member
GEt a lawyer. A Lawyer may be able to turn it in ur favor, not to mention answer all your questions. Sounds like the school wrongly searched through your bags. They dont have the right to touch you or your stuff as far as i know. Wont hold up in court, but make sure the school/cop pays for what they did to your "image". Once you admit to anything it puts u in the wrong. DENY all. Next time, ask for a lawyer b4 you say anything else. Silent treatment is ur right, and they can make all the empty threats they want (scare tactics). And they didnt even find anything. Sue them for slander. GET A LAWYER.
cops cant search you in the schools but the administration can at will (happens all the time at my district). well at least in the us.


Well-Known Member
cops cant search you in the schools but the administration can at will (happens all the time at my district). well at least in the us.
I dont think thats true. One time in highschool, one of the schools calculators turned up missing at the end of a standardized test, and we had to sit in the room till someone admitted stealing it. Nothing ever happened tho, even after the cop came and threats were made. They couldnt do anything, without fear of being sued for wrongfully searching through the 25 kids bags till the thief was caught. Another time, before i ever tried pot, i was driving home after dropping my friend off from work. I got pulled over, searched and frisked, after repeatedly refusing them to search my car and had a gun drawn on me cuz the cop said he could smell the "dope" when he got out his car, and that that was probable cause for a search. Complete bullshit. Only reason he stopped me was cuz he saw a white kid (me) driving out of the projects (ghetto) and assumed i must've only been there to get drugs. My lawyer friend I asked after the incident said I could have sued for racial profiling if i wanted to go to court for it, which i really should have done.


Well-Known Member
you've been done dirt! They had no right to do anything to you for having just baggies. Get a lawyer, talk to one soon.
i got expelled from school for TWO years and im a senior. some kid said i sold weed so they searched me and found nothing. my car smelling like weed was the only "evidence" they had and i was sure the case wasnt gonna hold up. but it did, some stupid shit


Well-Known Member
BULL SHIT. He has a fucking court date.... that sounds like a law issue to me :roll: He should lawyer up, because any drug charge/conviction will prevent him from getting any financial aid for college. It will also require a waiver if he decides on the military. This should be an easy case to win, since no marijuana or mj residue was found. If he was charged with possession or distribution, his lawyer simply needs to request disclosure and ask to view the evidence. Chances are, the cop forwarded those zip locs to a lab for a quick check. If the cop has ANY intelligence, he'll drop the charges, as long as what we are being told by the OP is factual and all the details.

Now as far as zero tolerance goes, this is extremely ridiculous. A zip loc is not drug paraphernalia. He is going to have to get his parents behind him and visit the school board and contest the suspension, or sue in a court and ask for an injunction or an order from the court, allowing him to attend until his legal status is cleared up in the courts. In the meantime, get with teachers through friends, Facebook, whatever and get your assignments and ask about how you can turn them in.

Whatever he does, he should never set foot on that school with weed on his person...

You got no case.

Zero tolerance is the way it is in public education.

This is not a law enforcement issue. It is an administrative issue.


Well-Known Member
You could have sued for relief. More than likely a lawyer representing your city schools would review case and tell the system they have no leg to stand on.... an order is not admissible, it lacks the properties of the rules of evidence. I can light a vanilla candle and probably get three different responses from 20 or so people if I asked them to ID the smell.

i got expelled from school for TWO years and im a senior. some kid said i sold weed so they searched me and found nothing. my car smelling like weed was the only "evidence" they had and i was sure the case wasnt gonna hold up. but it did, some stupid shit

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
If they were brand new un-used baggies, and you had no paraphernalia and no herb, then you should be fine. Don't make any statements, verbal or otherwise, to anyone admitting intent to fill said bags with weed.

They got nothing on you. Having plastic bags is not a crime.

And in the future, a little ozium, a little visine, and some gum or mints can go a LONG way. Visine, ozium, and gum are incredibly cheap, especially when you consider the cost of getting charged with a crime that goes on your permanent record.