Need Advice Did My Girls Get Pollinated

Lady luck

Hello. I really need some advice here please.
I am growing indoors under a 600 hps. I have been doing it about 3 years now and have learned allot. I rotate my plants and take clones and buy all fem seeds. I have about 10 beautifull girls in there in all stages of bud. Some are ready to finish and some are just starting. Yesterday a friend wanted me to come get a few plants that someone gave him.
I went to see the plants and checked the tricombs and they were some cloudy and some clear. I said i would finish them up for him in my bloom room. I took the two plants to my place and set them up in my bud room. upon further inspection I noticed they were hermies and had some male flowers starting to develop. I immediately took them back out. My question is... is it possible some of my girls got fertilized with the pollen? I took pictures of the plants from my friend that I had in my bloom room for about two hours. Are the male flowers mature enough to screw up my females... geeze i hope not. please someone look at my pictures and let me know what you think.
Question two. Would it be safe to harvest the plants with buds and the little male flowers in my house? If I take them down and harvest them will they fill my place with pollen that will screw up my virgin girls? should I take them back to my friends house or is it too late? thanks very much for your answer. O... at what stage in bloom can females be pollinated?
Thanks so much!! plant 2.jpgplant 5.jpgplant 3.jpgplant one.jpgplant 4.jpg

Nubby Tubbs

New Member
those flowers have shed their pollen. who knows when, but it was a while back. see how the bananas are all crispy? m sure some pollen can hang on, and if u were bumpin it around in the room theres always a possibility...

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
i think that if the male pollen sacks have opened up or juswwt get on your clothes or skin and you enter your grow space there a good chance it could happen! you shower before going into your grow space if youve been outdoors in a garden so you dont carry pests or bacteria into your grow area with you right? im sure pollen works the same way!


Well-Known Member
anytime they can pollinate the question is will the seed have time to develop
if there are live sacks on the plant than yes it can pollinate
the ones youve taken pictures of are already open so the pollen was released could be on the plant do to see any seed developement on his plant

Lady luck

The pictures I took were of his two plants. there are no seeds developing on them yet I guess. Not really sure how that all works. My plants are all female in all stages of bloom...