Need advice and opinions please

Hoping for some opinions/advice on some things I might try along with what I am doing on my own. I had a good thing going for a long time but ran into some troubles a while back. All was well and decided to upsize my room. I, stupidly, when moving all my plants to bigger pots used some pro mix that I had used this summer outdoors that I had filling a wheel barrel at the side of my house. The soil stunk and I am sure now was rotten or stagnant, and the Ph was out the roof I bet too. I was in a hurry and thought I could just flush it through without much trouble. boy was I wrong.
The first things I noticed was a yellowing of all the fan leaves and they dropped. The second thing was a general drastic slowing in growth. I mean these things were next to dormant. I was over watering every two days trying to flush the soil and believe I may have been OVERWATRERING the soil and caused further issues. Through this whole thing I had one that just kept going tho. Showed little to no signs of un heath except a weird bending and twisting of some of the leaves. evrything else tho was near dormant and I noticed that once a new set of leaves formed the ones directly under that were previously the new set just started yellowing form the tips and eventually died. Nothing will produce fan leaves???
I have been using DNF under a 400 halide with a 1000 watt sodium to flower. I have a fan on them all the time and a heater on in the room for warmth. I thought it might be the humidity so, I installed a humidifier on my furnace and have it set at about 35%. The humidity in the room I would say is a little higher tho.
I have now started to re pot some of these things in some new fresh dry soil. I am going into smaller pots because I noticed that there was hardly a root ball at all. Pretty pitiful in fact. Looks like the roots werent growing? I am going to repot all of them into smaller pots with dry soil and water them as little as I can in order to hopefully create some new root growth...
If anyone has read this far I am looking for Ideas on things I may be overlooking or not doing. I need advice and help from greater than I. I hope I didnt leave anything out. If need more info and are interested in helping me just ask I and will tell. Thanks alot to any and all!!!:bigjoint: