Need a good Nutrient mix for Guerilla growing!


Well-Known Member
I have some Bat Guano I plan on putting around the base but I feel this can only do so much. I plan on headin out to them in acouple days and need a good mix of nutrient and pest spray to dose em with since they are in some back woods haha Ill be able to visit them atleast once a week if not more. Any mixes that have been proven by yourself and others to be succesful please share!

Thanks, Stoopid.


Go to the gorw shop and ask for "azatrol" its a concentrate of neem oil that you mix with water and spray on the plants 1 a week untill the 2nd week of flowering. What this dose is build up in the plant so if catapillars, spider mites or any other pest trys to eat your plant he will be poised and cannot lay their young or survive. Where im from you have to use this otherwise you will get spider mites form hell or catapillars that runin your whole crop!


I use a all organic nutrient called "flora nova" grow. Its a two step grow and bloom fertalizer, one you use when in flower an the other when in bloom. They work great and i sware by them. I water with the grow once a week at first for the first two weeks than with bigger amounts of fertalizer they want to be feed twice a week depeniding on how much you use and what your plant is doing. Always reed the lable on the flora nova You wont be disapointed!


Is azatrol better then just using neem? Someone recommended organicare veg and bloom granuler pellets that you sprinkle on once every two weeks. This is what I was planning on useing for same type grow. Anyone have experiance with this product.


Well-Known Member
i'D try fox farm man, i used grow big and tiger bloom for my guerrilla last season and for all my indoor grows. I skip the big bloom to save some money and in my opinion all you need is the tiger for bloom. The tiger bloom is a bit hotter than the GB, so less is more with that stuff. Its reasonably priced and its good quailty nutes. Even though the tiger isn't "organic", its pretty damn close.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate all of your help, unfortunately most of your idea's involve lugging a large gallon of water or multiple to mix the nutes. Im not really able to fill a gallon of water for each plant to feed it, I use a bucket which is highly inaccIurate. I have plenty of foxfarm but problem with that is again, inaccuracy. Im afraid of mixing it to concentrated or not enough. I suppose I could just do alittle splash here and a splash there but id like something lightweight and something I dont really have to mix into water and what not., again thanks for all the idea's.


Active Member
If you use some good and balanced guano you should be ok for the growth period. For flowering, Fox Farm makes a slow release granule called bulb food. It's the 2nd item down the page of this link.

So you simply measure out the amount you need per plant and scratch the fert into the top soil around each plant. Once it rains, nature handles the work. From what I gather this stuff is good for about a month so you may need to trek back to your spot to reapply it, but no gallons of water.


Active Member
Another thought, if you want to use the stuff you already have.... Find out how much fox farm you will need to add per bucket of water. Get a bottle and fill it from a measuring cup, mark the bottle at points that correspond to the amounts of FF you need. Then fill your bottle with the FF and head out to your spot. Once you get there add the marked amount of FF to each bucket of water. This still won't be 100% exact but it should be pretty close. This is also assuming that you leave the bucket at your site and have a river or stream near by to fill it up in.


Well-Known Member
Nice! thanks for the tip, Ive seen that stuff at my local hydro shop but never realized its a slow release... I think I may just do the bat guano tho, I sure appreciate it tho buddy. Thanks alot.


Well-Known Member
Another thought, if you want to use the stuff you already have.... Find out how much fox farm you will need to add per bucket of water. Get a bottle and fill it from a measuring cup, mark the bottle at points that correspond to the amounts of FF you need. Then fill your bottle with the FF and head out to your spot. Once you get there add the marked amount of FF to each bucket of water. This still won't be 100% exact but it should be pretty close. This is also assuming that you leave the bucket at your site and have a river or stream near by to fill it up in.
Yes sir, thanks alot. Ill do alittle bit of this and a bit of that haha I'll make it work!


Well-Known Member
i use 2 Tidy Cat kitty litter jugs ( which hold about 2.5 gallons each) i use a soda bottle cap to measure the nutes (1tsp). I tend to go lighter on the nutes and treat them as if they were only two gallon (better to underfeed than over). I lug those out about a quarter mile through streams, blackberry bushes, and uphill. walmart sells great 5 gallon green water jugs. i was gonna throw some straps on one and convert it into a back pack, then throw a nozzle on the bottom with a valve and a little hose so i wouldn't even have to pour the water. The more love you give them, the more that you'll recieve.